HIV A Lie and a Farse? House Of Numbers

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Die For Me
Really, the argument isn't that HIV and AIDS are unrelated..but that AIDS is now a term used to name any "incurable" disease or illness and that billions are being made from this. The doc gets progressively one-sided as it goes in, but it offers room for skeptics the whole way through.

Thats kind of what I thought too. Like in the first half where it goes on about African countries and how the number of people who actually have HIV/AIDS is inflated for reasons like seemingly jumping to conclusions from initial symptoms.
At that point it isnt arguing the non-existence of HIV/AIDS. Kinda similar to the US gay community and the connection between poppers and Kaposi's Sarcoma instead of HIV.
Eventually however, you have some people Neville Hodgekinson pretty much saying flat out that HIV doesnt exist. By the end it did seem to be getting into AIDS denialism, maybe the more extreme nature of those parts made it more memorable and made people forget about the (at least IMO) more plausible problems talked about in the beginning :dunno:

Anyway, it didnt convince me that HIV/AIDS is a lie and I'm not going to go out and bang large numbers of HIV positive prostitutes after watching it. A problem in this thread is WCTWasPulled saying things like
Well watching the documentary in full really shows to me that HIV is nothing. Aids is just a generic term to lump so many things together.
Aids is already 100% cured. Don't take the drug cocktail. And detox your body and eat healthy. DONE!

which doesnt accurately represent the opinions of many of the people interviewed in the film IMO. I guess his reputation here has put people off watching it, but a decent amount of the film isnt as tinfoil hat wearing/basement dwelling conspiracy theorising as people may think (then again, some of it is).
If WCT posted that other film he mentioned,whatever it was called, as the original post, the arguments might be more relevant.
Or maybe the entire thing is BS, I'm no expert in any case.
I really would like to hear Alex Jones at talk about this.

That is one thing I have not heard Alex talk about. He needs to see House Of Numbers.



persona non grata
All we need now is the king of insane conspiracy theories (Will E. Worm) making an appearcance and this would be the funniest thread in history (does anyone remember those videos he posted where he "disproved" evolution?).

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Really? Bam me for what?

How the fuck do you misspell ban? It's three fucking letters. Are all conspiracy theorists that moronic or do you represent the cream of the crop?

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Loving the off topic name calling. Nice touch.

Another one who is too afraid to see House Of Numbers because it might upset their apple cart. Sorry for spelling Ban Bam, big fucking deal.

Nope, not afraid, just completely uninterested. I don't believe in your theory at all, but even if it was proven to be true, it wouldn't affect me. I don't have HIV/AIDS, no one I know has HIV/AIDS, and I don't give a fuck about people on other continents who may be infected. Thus, it doesn't matter to me either way. HIV could be caused by pixie dust fairies and my level of indifference would not increase or decrease.
Now the thread has reached a point, where no rational discussion is being carried out. It has become a Nay/Yeah bashing. Post if you have something rational to speak about HIV/AIDS, or let the thread die it's natural death. Asking anybody and everybody to watch the film is not required any more.


The thread will get closed.
Thankfully I doubt anyone on here is stupid enough to believe your idiocy, but people actually die because AIDS/HIV deniers.

As far as your HIV theory,
* I have personally known a couple people that died from complications from HIV.

* Sir Blueballs completely shot down your conspiracy with facts of how the scientists interviewed said their statements were changed and manipulated, but you choose to ignore it.

* One of the main AIDS denialists, Christine Maggiore, daughter died from HIV complications after being untreated because mommy said HIV is “harmless”.

* Christine Maggiore herself died of pneumonia set on by her HIV. Her own family doctor noted that anti-HIV drugs could have prevented her death.

The New York Times described the film as "a weaselly support pamphlet for AIDS denialists", "willfully ignorant", and "a globe-trotting pseudo-investigation that should raise the hackles of anyone with even a glancing knowledge of the basic rules of reasoning."

The Portland Oregonian criticized Leung for "not being entirely honest with viewers," and decried the film's reliance on "selective editing, anomalies and anecdotes, unsupported conclusions... and suppression of inconvenient facts."

Your cure to HIV is sunshine and clean water. You are like “evolution is a lie because there is no missing link” guy, when actually there are hundreds of “missing links” that have been discovered so far.

PS: The World Trade Center’s #7 building was not pulled down.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Still a more compelling, coherent message than anything Milton has posted.

Thankfully I doubt anyone on here is stupid enough to believe your idiocy, but people actually die because AIDS/HIV deniers.

As far as your HIV theory,
* I have personally known a couple people that died from complications from HIV.

* Sir Blueballs completely shot down your conspiracy with facts of how the scientists interviewed said their statements were changed and manipulated, but you choose to ignore it.

* One of the main AIDS denialists, Christine Maggiore, daughter died from HIV complications after being untreated because mommy said HIV is “harmless”.

* Christine Maggiore herself died of pneumonia set on by her HIV. Her own family doctor noted that anti-HIV drugs could have prevented her death.

The New York Times described the film as "a weaselly support pamphlet for AIDS denialists", "willfully ignorant", and "a globe-trotting pseudo-investigation that should raise the hackles of anyone with even a glancing knowledge of the basic rules of reasoning."

The Portland Oregonian criticized Leung for "not being entirely honest with viewers," and decried the film's reliance on "selective editing, anomalies and anecdotes, unsupported conclusions... and suppression of inconvenient facts."

Your cure to HIV is sunshine and clean water. You are like “evolution is a lie because there is no missing link” guy, when actually there are hundreds of “missing links” that have been discovered so far.

PS: The World Trade Center’s #7 building was not pulled down.

Contrary to what people have been told in the media Christine Maggiore died of drug induced kidney failure.

Christine did not succumb to AIDS and her daughter did not succumb to AIDS.

I think the stories about her and her daughter represent the worst of modern day journalism.
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