Hiding your porn stash - share your stories


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lol I think that you guys are pros at hiding porn!

Honestly though, if any girl that you are with thinks that you never look at porn and that you only masturbate to pictures and images of her needs a serious reality check! They should be thanking porn because it keeps most guys from cheating in real life ;)
I have two types of porn, the stuff my wife knows about and we watch together, and the other. I think she know about all of it, but the other stuff is way more hardcore than the stuff she likes to watch. I keep all my electronic files external of my computer and tucked away in a quiet corner. I guess as you get older you just get tired and don't really care about hiding it as much as you used too.
I keep all the downloaded stuff on an external hard drive which is only used by me :)

Earlier I used to hide it in folder named 'Software'.
Its' in my ceiling (seriously). I'm in a basement right now and in my closet there is access to the space between the floorboard and the ceiling boards, and I have all my mags up there. In another room my vids are hidden with a reserves of magazines that I don't care for. I was going to wrap a bunch of my favorites really good and bury them in my folks yard for when I move on, just in case, so I can go back and get them, but I have not went there yet. :D
Nothing is hidden. I keep raunchier dvds and stuff I don't watch much in a box under the bed. Classy films like Vivthomas, Mike Ninn and Andrew Blake are mixed with my normal DVDs and hardcovers on my bookshelf. Files on the computer are mixed with other neat pictures in a folder labeled "art" on the desktop.

I don't understand what the hiding thing is all about.
Nothing is hidden. I keep raunchier dvds and stuff I don't watch much in a box under the bed. Classy films like Vivthomas, Mike Ninn and Andrew Blake are mixed with my normal DVDs and hardcovers on my bookshelf. Files on the computer are mixed with other neat pictures in a folder labeled "art" on the desktop.

I don't understand what the hiding thing is all about.


Wives, GF's, family, etc.
ive got my own laptop password protected, keep most dl porn on there, but the old school dvds, i hide them or name them crap films, but once i left 1, think it was gangbang auditions 3 under my pillow for sum weird reason, and my mom changed my bed sheets lmao
if youre living with your gf...surely your gf wont want her own profile....she will wnat to share yours....hence i cant go around the two profile way. her argument is..."what do you have to hide from me"...short answer is "alot of freaky porn". trials and tribulations of watching porn !

Just tell her you don't want her to go fucking around with your settings and downloading a bunch of crap into your My Documents folder. Works for me.
Just tell her you don't want her to go fucking around with your settings and downloading a bunch of crap into your My Documents folder. Works for me.

if i said that...i know she would end up saying "why did you ask to me to marry you if you want to hide stuff" :lovecoupl . i try to tell her, porn is an addiction.
Luckily my gf is tolerant of porn, but I keep it fairly well hidden on an external drive that is generally not hooked up to the computer unless I want to watch some.
has anyone had a bad experience with the external storage ...i.e found it to erase your data ? im contemplating using true crypt. any reviews on either using the ext. hard drive or true cryypt ?
has anyone had a bad experience with the external storage ...i.e found it to erase your data ? I'm contemplating using true crypt. any reviews on either using the ext. hard drive or true crypt ?

I have a Western Digital 1TB External HD for over a year and it hasn't given me any problems at all, just plug and play. There's no need for getting true crypt unless you are planning on DL some serious illegal porn shit. External HD's don't interfere with your OS or any other programs you have running on your PC. The price for external HD's are cheap, you can get a Seagate 1.5 TB @ Micro Center for $150 bucks. Not bad for that price. :2 cents:
I have a Western Digital 1TB External HD for over a year and it hasn't given me any problems at all, just plug and play. There's no need for getting true crypt unless you are planning on DL some serious illegal porn shit. External HD's don't interfere with your OS or any other programs you have running on your PC. The price for external HD's are cheap, you can get a Seagate 1.5 TB @ Micro Center for $150 bucks. Not bad for that price. :2 cents:

very good point. hard to argue against that