help with neighbor issue

I have a neighbor that lets there kids( 6 and 8) hit baseballs in their back yard, our homes are only about 10 to 15 feet apart. The balls hit the side of my house, window and my screened in porch. They put a dent in my hardy board :mad: , they said they would pay to fix it but I said do not worry about it. I thought they would be smart adults and make their kids stop hitting the balls but NO, they hit tennis balls now. I have wrote a letter asking them to stop and tonight had to confront them face to face. What else can I do, cops? I want the cops to be the last resort. Any advice appreciated.


Closed Account
Contact your local authorities or Homeowners Association and ask advice. Not call on them. That's my advice.

as they are damaging your property, call the cops. they will stop.

they put a dent on the side of my house, they said they would pay for it but I said do not worry about it, thinking they would make thir kids stop. not pissed at the kids. kids will be kids. I blame the parents for not stopping this before it got to the point where I want to call the cops.


Closed Account
If everything else fails I would take them to court.

Maybe that would work for you.
Confront them once again, tell them you aren't mad at their kids, but ask them to have some common courtesy, you were nice enough to not make them pay for the damages, but that doesn't mean you have to keep putting up with this nonsense. If that does nothing, then call the police and ask them what to do. If nothing solves anything you may have to stop being nice and just get mean, as a last resort anyways because they are neighbors, but still, it's bullshit no put up with needless damage to your home.
first you should do what you did.

then you should go outside and take your hose and spray the kids with it whenever you see them outside hitting the balls. this will probably work, but they might get smart and just start doing it when you're not home.

at this point you should tell your nieghbor that all this sporting has inspired you to take up bowling... you see where I'm going with this?

the next step would be to make freinds with your other neighbor in case they decide to get crafty and try and turn him against you. you should do the same thing and get thier other neighbor on your side to turn against them. if you aren't careful you could have the whole neighborhood against you and then you'd have to move out, and that would suck. worst comes to worst and you gotta make sure that they are the one's that move out.

It might also be a good diea to get about ten or 20 microwave ovens and put them against your fence with the door removed and have them poiting at your neighbors house so that you will render them sterile so that they can't produce any future generations to fued with you.

you should also be careful to cover your ass with the home owners association. I don't know, if you could get your neighbors put on the sex offender list that would be great.
i like that plan calpoon. but like you said he would have to cover his own ass. but, if he just calls the cops now, he wont have to cover anything. if a report of damaged property is filled and it keeps on occuring, there could be an arrest in the near future for one or both of the adults. they will stop if the police are brought in.
i don't know where you live but from where i'm from cops dont do much.

tell them directly - do You Mind if your kids could play ball down the street, it''s been really bothersome having balls hurled at the side of my house causing dents and hitting windows, so could you just have your kids play down the street. (make sure they don't have to pay for any minor damages)

the situation, you and your neighbor will still be on good terms, because you were very polite, you get rid of the kids situation and deflect them on someone else, South Park Style.


don't be a chicken-shit and call the cops, that is the wussies way out. What you need to do is fight back, egg and or T.P. your neighbours house. Let them know that the fight has just begun


Don't escalate the situation, whatever you do.

Talk to them and explain what damage has been done and your concerns. If they are half way decent people, they'll have them stop.. or at least play facing the other way.

Bad, noisy neighbors are the worst, because most of the time there's nothing that can really be done. I think that being a nice guy and absorbing the repair isn't going to make any headway - nor do I think that getting an attorney involved now will help (either of you). You need to be pleasantly upset, friendly angry and insistent that the behavior is not acceptable. And, by all means, document, document, document.


fight back, show them who is king of the neighbourhood
Well it sounds to me like you tryed to be a ''good' neighbor by not having them pay for the damage. A word of advise, never ever talk directly to the kids about the problem..... take your concerns to the parents. Kids are kids they are just having fun,,,but it is up to the parents to ' teach their children well'. If you explain the problem and they they fail to do anything and the kids continue to wreck your property then consult local authorities.
This is why I hate things like this the war our society is now. To fix a simple problem like this, assuming they aren't willing to do it themselves (and way too many people aren't) you have to go thought a tremendous amount of time and trouble, get the legal system involved, spend more money then it's worth fixing the problem and probably spend more money than any damage caused in the first place and go though a big hassle. This is all assuming that the local authorities are willing to even take the time to do anything about it.

This reminds me of a situation I know with somebody that had a problem with a neighbor’s dog coming in the yard. Here your not allowed to do anything to the dog when you catch them there. Technically your supposed to call the local animal control officers, which the majority of the days they aren't working because of budget concerns, and even then they don't work that many hours. Assuming your lucky enough to have them working that day they come out hours later, when the dog will be long gone and they still can't do anything about it unless you can prove the dog was there somehow, which is impossible most of the time. Of course they went and talked to the owner who just has to lie about the situation so they still won’t be able to do anything about it. So on and on it went for months until they moved out. Short of buying a video camera, which he didn’t have the money for, there wasn't anything he could do. It was a different but similar situation than this but in another incident somebody just got feed up and shot the dog. I think it took the authorities a whole day to come out and charge him and give him a court date which he went to jail for and was heavily fined. It even made the local news. So I guess what I'm trying to get at is we live in a society that will protect the imbeciles of the world but do nothing for you and will even come after you when you don't go through the extraordinary and costly efforts they expect of you to fix the problem.

I like the old way like when my dad was growing up where people would get their asses kicked because of the way they acted and when they didn’t take responsibility. (in this case they still wouldn't have messed with the kids, but they would the parents who were responsible for them) The authorities would look the other way and if they didn’t they were more willing to help you resolve it in a timely matter. All your neighbors would come out and clap for you, assuming they didn't help you beat them also. It was simple, fast, cheap, and it worked, problem solved. I guess we just live in a "better" and "advanced" society now.
Leave a big corn and peanut-speckled steamer on their front step with one of the kids balls resting on top of it and a note that says:

"If you get your kids to quit hitting balls at my house, I promise to stop shitting on your front door."
Don't escalate the situation, whatever you do.

Talk to them and explain what damage has been done and your concerns. If they are half way decent people, they'll have them stop.. or at least play facing the other way.

Bad, noisy neighbors are the worst, because most of the time there's nothing that can really be done. I think that being a nice guy and absorbing the repair isn't going to make any headway - nor do I think that getting an attorney involved now will help (either of you). You need to be pleasantly upset, friendly angry and insistent that the behavior is not acceptable. And, by all means, document, document, document.

i don't know where you live but from where i'm from cops dont do much.

tell them directly - do You Mind if your kids could play ball down the street, it''s been really bothersome having balls hurled at the side of my house causing dents and hitting windows, so could you just have your kids play down the street. (make sure they don't have to pay for any minor damages)

the situation, you and your neighbor will still be on good terms, because you were very polite, you get rid of the kids situation and deflect them on someone else, South Park Style.

i'm gonna add to these, as i feel insistent, non-emotional diplomacy is the best solution.

in no particular order:
stay calm.
maintain eye contact.
keep voice low.
be "friendly", even if you have to pretend.
try to dominate the conversation, talk over them if possible while still smiling and nodding.
stay on track and focused. your goal is to get them to stop hitting balls near your house, nothing else.
be persistent. this might take a few tries if they're real idiots.
maintain that you want to be good neighbors, to count on each other, etc. . .
try to see it from his point of view. what could be his motivation?

hope these help. . .
You need to be pleasantly upset, friendly angry and insistent that the behavior is not acceptable. And, by all means, document, document, document.
As a health care professional living in today's litigious America - I SECOND this part of BNFs post.

Remember the "Golden Rule" - "If it was not documented, it was not done".

That's how bureaucracy works - learn to play by their rules...
