Help smashing gf from behind

Me and my gf have been together for over 2 yrs and we still smash all the time but she doesnt want to do it from behind anymore. She used to want to all the time and didnt mind but now she doesnt want to. She said cus it reminds her of rape and then she saw this video in one of her clases about a man raping another man so she's really freaked out about it and said she wont do it anymore but i really want to. Any tips on what to do so i can bring the doggstyle back??? thanks guys


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
Holy crap! It reminds her of rape?? You sure she doesn't have something repressed from her past? I've never heard that before. And I wouldn't use the word smashing around her, if she's saying rape...


Hiliary 2020
i foresee terrible trouble up ahead.

you want tips?
I dont know, beg?

this is a bad sign buddy, prepare for things to come.
No the thing is, that shes one of those girls where her father left her when she was young so it follows her everywhere and she has a hard time trusting guys. She trusts me which is good but she still thinks of bad things like me cheating on her. But she said she's always been afraid of getting raped, like the one thing that she's really scared of and after she saw that video she says that doggstyle reminds her of that.

any advice??
Yeah if rape and gay sex is being brought up in you and your gf's whoopee time then there maybe a few issues that some counciling will clear up!
Yeah. Tell her we will do it doggystyle or it will turn into what you think it reminds you of and you will no longer have to go by what you saw in class to make you think that way.

That should clearly get you two romantic love birds back to smashing the proper way.
she sounds paranoid and gullible. Just tell that she can't get pregnant as long as you "smash" her from behind.
the title is missing the word 'ex'

how wonderful that would be. but i would feel bad later
What class is she enrolled in that she is watching a man rape another man from behind???
Step 1 - Stop referring to sex as "smashing"

Step 2 - How old are both of you, based on this handful of posts she seems incredibly immature and I sense a lot of excuse making.

Quick question, what do you hope to achieve on the board other than convince her to do something she doesnt want to do, that serves only to enhance your enjoyment during sex.

In short, you are trying to make her perform a sexual act against her will. Sound familiar?
Understanding the thinking of a woman is the only complex thing about them. They are pretty simple when it comes to sex.

Are you sure she isn't 'smashing' someone else behind your back? The only thing women don't like to be reminded of during sex is someone else they're fucking or have fucked.

I could be wrong and I don't want to infest your noggin with all kinds of impure thoughts but sounds to me she's let someone else give her the drilling from 'behind' and she really liked it...enough to not want to let you go there b/c it reminds her of the other joker's poker ringing her bell ..then the guilt..then the turn off for her.:2 cents: