Official Checked Star Member
Understanding the thinking of a woman is the only complex thing about them. They are pretty simple when it comes to sex.
Are you sure she isn't 'smashing' someone else behind your back? The only thing women don't like to be reminded of during sex is someone else they're fucking or have fucked.
I could be wrong and I don't want to infest your noggin with all kinds of impure thoughts but sounds to me she's let someone else give her the drilling from 'behind' and she really liked it...enough to not want to let you go there b/c it reminds her of the other joker's poker ringing her bell ..then the guilt..then the turn off for her.:2 cents:
Thats the silliest thing I've ever heard lol. I highly doubt she's cheating on him. You sound overly paranoid to assume she's cheating on him...She's just a girl who isn't comfortable fucking in a certain position. EVERY woman has something they're not totally comfortable doing sexually, just happens that her hangup is something that most would consider tame.
Question to the OP- is there anything else she's afraid of doing? Ie. blowjobs, anal, facials etc. Does she have any other hangups? Or is the sex otherwise really good. If this is her only issue, my advice is to just drop it. Pressuring her is going to only turn her off even more and make her feel like you're trying to force her into something she's not ok doing....which might be adding to her "rape" insecurities. But if she's one of those girls who only likes missionary, and doesn't like to do anything else sexually, then she probably either a)is a prude or b)is insecure having sex at ALL. Alot of younger girls (and I'm assuming she's young, because you both sound kinda immature, no offense) who are relatively new to sex sometimes feel guilt having sex, or aren't totally comfy with it. Try to be encouraging, instead of pressuring. I mean you obviously care about her right, if she's your gf. Love her, make her feel respected, and in time she might come around. But if doggystyle is the be all and end all to your sexual pleasure, then its time to find a new gf my friend. Some girls just don't like certain things, and will never do them.