Премьер-министр Владимир Владимирович Путин, возможно, вам нужно памперсов для взрослых.
I just go in my pants. Fuck it. :rofl:
Is that how it is in Russia? Here in America we have separate toilets: one for Poop and one for urine. We never mix the two, because it's a crime, and if we mix our poop and urine, the government will take away our children and make them live in Cuba.
Say what you will, guys, but this shit is funny as hell (link posted by MRP,[thus the bump]): :rofl2:
I just read this for the first time and I laughed hard. Then I read the responses and stopped laughing at all.
I just read this for the first time and I laughed hard. Then I read the responses and stopped laughing at all.
Hello my comrades, I have not talk with you because busy times...shut down gas pipe for Ukraine etc.
I want know when guy go for take poopoo, you make urine when you stand up or when you sit? Because alot times when guy poo, he also must make urine.
- Thank you, Vladimir
We lay on our stomachs for both activities.