Just got the issue in the mail....even a bigger letdown that I thought. 5 picks total...thats 5! 1 lingerie shot, 1 bikini shot 1 laying down totally nude but totally covered up except a side view of her butt shot and 2...count them 2 topless but completely blocked shots. Its safe to say that every celeb that will shoot for them now will ask to do the 'Heidi' layout and we will never see anything. Im guessing that next months centerfold will be the first ever to be completely clothed. screw bikini shots when you can show them in business suits.
her pics in playboy were terrible. she might has well done another spread in maxim since she wasnt even nude in playboy. fuckin stupid playboy editors. should have just told heidi "this is playboy, so you have to get naked or get the fuck out" fuckin ridiculous....


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
she is so goodlooking and with spencer who the hell is he?? but those pics in pb i can't believe i purchased the issue
Audrina is hotter no offense to Heidi fans.. Heidi is fucking hot too. I'd take Audrina though!
Would that Idiot ever fuck off ?? he hangs around her like a bad smell. we want pics of her fine ass on her own :) !
The older posts had pictures using the cash hoster, usercash and those don't work.

There's a message on that site saying you can leave a message in the comments asking him to fix those links/posts.
Leggy Candids in Malibu - denim shorts

creepy flesh beard - no where to be seen