Heavy Rain

downloading the demo now. Never read a thing about it. The demo will ether be good and I'll rent the game, or the demo will suck and thats as far as I go with the game. I've never played a demo I hated and enjoyed the game. I have played demos that are fun and the game still sucked. So we'll see.

You're not gonna like this game Mr. Call of duty/action dude.....I'll betcha'
Downloaded this the other day, took the PISS to download but i got there. Actually quite enjoyed it, kind of reminded me of Broken Sword from the PS1/ Early PS2 days, but im not sure i would go out and buy this game.
Downloaded this the other day, took the PISS to download but i got there. Actually quite enjoyed it, kind of reminded me of Broken Sword from the PS1/ Early PS2 days, but im not sure i would go out and buy this game.

Im gonna play it through and I'm looking forward to doing so, however I wouldnt spend the 60 on it. ITs a G'fly for sure.....
So I finally played the demo last night.I found the controls to be a little weird at first,but after a while,figured out the little nuances of movement.

I have to say,I think this might be a sleeper hit.The story seems to be very solid and probably more put together than anything else.

I'm having a hard time wanting to pay $60 for any game,so I probably won't buy it,but it's definitely going to be one of those long rentals.
That's cool to know. I haven't had a chance to play the demo. I have just seen videos of the gameplay and some reviews.
Im digging it too. Very different and unorthodox but they pulled it off none the less. The opening sequence was pretty intense with what happens right after the inside of the mall......thats all I'll put,dont want to post a spoiler.
Im not sure how many hours it took. Looked on my save data and it doesnt say. I think it was at least 10+ hours. Took me 4 nights to finish one playthrough but you can always replay and do differnt stuff. Like I made it through this time with all my people alive, now Im thinking of going through and getting them all killed to see what happens.
I played the demo and it reminded me of "Under a Killing Moon" Most of you guys probably don't remember this game from 1994. It was one of the first CD ROM games. It was an investigative game as well and had a good story. I will probably trade for Heavy Rain on swaptree.com. I am too cheap to spend $60 on new games when I can trade for free.
I played the demo and it reminded me of "Under a Killing Moon" Most of you guys probably don't remember this game from 1994. It was one of the first CD ROM games. It was an investigative game as well and had a good story. I will probably trade for Heavy Rain on swaptree.com. I am too cheap to spend $60 on new games when I can trade for free.

was that game on Sega CD system?


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
That was a great game. I thought I had it all figured out until the end.
If anyone pre-ordered it I hope you checked out the DLC The Taxidermist. It's short but it's a nice little side mission with different endings for Madison Paige set two years before the main game.