yep been tricked by your wife/gf
B bustybbwlover Apr 23, 2011 #6,922 indeed...wily women some of them have been been excited to see a show on history channel then found it utterly retarded and useless when you watched it, just a pure disappointment
indeed...wily women some of them have been been excited to see a show on history channel then found it utterly retarded and useless when you watched it, just a pure disappointment
B bustybbwlover Apr 23, 2011 #6,924 indeed...apparently kids movies are the only films that keep getting better thought about how when people say we need to save the earth they really mean we need to save humanity cuz the earth'll be here long after we're extinct
indeed...apparently kids movies are the only films that keep getting better thought about how when people say we need to save the earth they really mean we need to save humanity cuz the earth'll be here long after we're extinct
tanktopsrule Apr 23, 2011 #6,925 Not yet. ....saw a girl naked/half-naked without them seeing you and watched them for a bit.
busenbust ^^^^ Apr 23, 2011 #6,926 lol nope ! wanted to fuck a porno star so fucking bad that u keep dreaming of her ! (I do! Slut mature Muriel !)
lol nope ! wanted to fuck a porno star so fucking bad that u keep dreaming of her ! (I do! Slut mature Muriel !)
rampau Apr 23, 2011 #6,927 not dreaming of her but yes completely lost your temper at someone and started cussing them out
HeartBroker Apr 23, 2011 #6,929 Yes, I'm dead now! Um, no! ...fallen out of the bed of a moving pickup ?
B bustybbwlover Apr 24, 2011 #6,931 isn't there a whole thread for that suffered the dangers of posting in the wrong thread while multi-tabbing
isn't there a whole thread for that suffered the dangers of posting in the wrong thread while multi-tabbing
busenbust ^^^^ Apr 24, 2011 #6,932 nope thought a movie was so shit that all the cast/crew etc should be shot !
GibbsGrad2002 Mr. Nice gallery Apr 25, 2011 #6,933 Yes helped a woman with car problems and wanted to take her home and have sex with her
rampau Apr 25, 2011 #6,934 no met a hot girl who works in a retail store and wanted so badly to take her to a fitting room and fuck her
no met a hot girl who works in a retail store and wanted so badly to take her to a fitting room and fuck her
B bustybbwlover Apr 25, 2011 #6,936 no, no hostage scenarios wondered how people who've never tried something can be so certain about how they feel about it
no, no hostage scenarios wondered how people who've never tried something can be so certain about how they feel about it
vodkazvictim Why save the world, when you can rule it? Apr 25, 2011 #6,938 No. Even though I do live in Englandastan
B bustybbwlover Apr 26, 2011 #6,939 back to posting wrong are we? i've never been converted either slid down the side of a hill on a cardboard's the summer equivalent of sledding
back to posting wrong are we? i've never been converted either slid down the side of a hill on a cardboard's the summer equivalent of sledding