Have you ever.............

Yes a few times.

It's a great book I'm reading it right now. Though it's really meant for men as its a pick up artists book on how to get a girl. I'm reading it because it's written amazingly well. I suggest it for most males.

wished there was a book for everything?
yes, there's this woman i would like to try and impress but the problem is she's a singer.

...ever had random dirty thoughts about something you shouldn't be thinking dirty thought about?
depends on your definition of who you shouldn't think dirty thoughts of like if you mean a teacher then yes I have had many of them thoughts about a few different ones in school and private lesson teachers or say a priest yes to that also. If you mean like family no.

wanted me to not have such long ass complicated answers to questions lol
ever wanted guys to tell ya what they really feel?
Yes. There have been a few times when I wasn't really in the mood, but she sucked on me a little, I got hard, and we fucked.

...stopped sex mid-way through?
besides by an early cum :D? there's been times when i was so drunk i passed out midway through

...wanted to stab ke$ha in the face for saying she knew everything there was to know about sex at age 7
I have plenty of reasons why I want to stab Ke$ha in the face.

...not enjoyed a really good movie, simply because you couldn't stand an actor's personal life, beliefs, political views, etc?


Mr. Nice gallery
Yes and it was bad for the both of us

Thought that you were doing the wrong thing in a relationship but in fact it was the right thing?