Have you ever.............


I think so as a kid but I can't really remember.

Have you ever put peanut butter on your asshole and whistled for the dog?
yep jumping of a cliff into a part of a lake...a good jump would put you into deep enough water and bad jump and you'd nail the bottom

...had to hold a shit because you couldn't go at the time and had it reabsorb to the point where you no longer needed to poop

that's right i play with myself!
Yes. I was in the car with a girl on a very long drive. But when we got where we were going... nothing. :dunno:

...had a lapdance? (Stripper, not girlfriend.)


Closed Account
Many times.

...met someone on the street, forgot their name and had to introduce someone to that person?
along those lines yeah...i'm bad with names

...not had a food for a while then been amazed at how tasty it was when you had it again (happened to me with peanut butter and jelly a few months back, hadn't had them for years)
Yes. I recently started eating fresh fruit again, which I haven't done since I was a kid, and I love it.

...prepared a large meal for yourself, took one bite, hated it, and didn't know what to do with the rest of it?
That is all the same. In both scenarios they take no responsibility nor blame for any of it.

Peed zipped up and realized you had to poop?
no...but i do go to the pisser thinking urination is in order and then upon arrival realize it's a shitty time

...had a piece of furniture sitting in your house that you kept tripping over but not moved for a long time
Yes, a chair from a dinning table in which we needed to twist the table round to make the chair not stick out where we could walk into it.

Ever knew someone who you wouldn't want to hang with, date...etc but you would want to fuck them.
yes...she was dumb as dirt and frequently said stupid stupid things...but she was quite hot (why hang out with her besides that you say? she was a friend of a friend and always shared her weed...tho looking back i almost always had it so it was more if i was out she shared)

...eaten something over and over again that gave you the shits every time (kfc always gets me)
Used to do that with Chinese food but not anymore.

Ever saw a KFC, BK...etc ad and wanted to buy some because you were hungry and the food looked nice but then when you did you wished you hadn't after eating it?