yep!! ......been robbed on holiday
B bustybbwlover Aug 26, 2010 #5,804 absolutely ...been told you're ruining the holiday by the person who started the argument
B bustybbwlover Aug 26, 2010 #5,806 real people not really even the ridiculous ones are fun to laugh at and easy enough to tho yes ...marveled at everything our hunter and gatherer purposed brains are capable of
real people not really even the ridiculous ones are fun to laugh at and easy enough to tho yes ...marveled at everything our hunter and gatherer purposed brains are capable of
B bustybbwlover Aug 26, 2010 #5,808 hmmm...not sober but high and drunk i'd say yes ...seriously thought about founding a religion
B bustybbwlover Aug 26, 2010 #5,810 yes if a friends snakes count, no real danger they were little but bitey fuckers ...been attacked by a dog
yes if a friends snakes count, no real danger they were little but bitey fuckers ...been attacked by a dog
B bustybbwlover Aug 26, 2010 #5,812 indeed...nasty buggers them ...slammed your fingers in a car door
B bustybbwlover Aug 26, 2010 #5,816 yes! the girl scouts! more specifically one of their moms at the place i worked...a real one not so much ...found an important email in your spam folder
yes! the girl scouts! more specifically one of their moms at the place i worked...a real one not so much ...found an important email in your spam folder
B bustybbwlover Aug 26, 2010 #5,820 indeed i've broken in through windows, picked locks, and just sat around ...thought that unlike most music rap seemed entirely about selling out
indeed i've broken in through windows, picked locks, and just sat around ...thought that unlike most music rap seemed entirely about selling out