Yes, but no more than a few days ...sold anything on Ebay?
L lurkingdirk Nov 23, 2009 #4,364 never had a fist fight. ...dropped the f-bomb when you totally didn't mean to? hey dado. :wave:
dadolfo Nov 23, 2009 #4,365 Most probably, I remember saying "shitfaced" once a little too loudly back in high school. ...Lied to get sex? Hey L.D. How goes it?
Most probably, I remember saying "shitfaced" once a little too loudly back in high school. ...Lied to get sex? Hey L.D. How goes it?
L lurkingdirk Nov 23, 2009 #4,367 yes. it was epic. ...had to get back into a wet, cold swimsuit? hey dado and HD. are we keeping this thread up tonight?
yes. it was epic. ...had to get back into a wet, cold swimsuit? hey dado and HD. are we keeping this thread up tonight?
L lurkingdirk Nov 23, 2009 #4,369 no way. I love the high dive. ...worn a speedo? I'll be out for a couple hours, dado, but I'll be back.
no way. I love the high dive. ...worn a speedo? I'll be out for a couple hours, dado, but I'll be back.
Horny Devil Nov 24, 2009 #4,370 No ...been hit on by someone of the same sex? I'll be here for a little while
L lurkingdirk Nov 24, 2009 #4,373 yes. for more than a day. ...had a bad deli sandwich in New York City?
Horny Devil Nov 24, 2009 #4,376 yes, 5 and counting ...eaten a whole pumpkin pie by yourself? Watching MNF LD?
L lurkingdirk Nov 24, 2009 #4,377 no, but come close. ...spent a day splitting wood by hand? I am. Ten/Hou. close game!
Horny Devil Nov 24, 2009 #4,378 Not a whole day ...met an "A List" celebrity? Yep, pretty entertaining game.
L lurkingdirk Nov 24, 2009 #4,379 met, interviewed, partied with. :thumbsup: ...vacationed in a foreign country? fun game indeed! I think Houston will pull it out though.
met, interviewed, partied with. :thumbsup: ...vacationed in a foreign country? fun game indeed! I think Houston will pull it out though.