Have you ever.............


Fallen asleep by accident at like 3pm and got up thinking it was early the next day and the sun just hasn't come up yet and realize it was only 8pm and the rest of your night is going to be screwed up cause you slept so long?

...bought a gift for someone and liked it so much that you kept it and didn't give it to them?

Not too bad LD, just watching Dolphins vs. Panthers. How's your night going?
yes! but I'm a jerk.

...tripped in public and tried to pretend you didn't?

I'm enjoying unranked Colorado beating up on 12th ranked Oklahoma st.! I love upsets, and this collge football season needs all the spicing up it can get...

...fallen off a bar stool?

I'm a fan of the upset too. I love USC getting beat up on this season

...have you ever split your pants open and had nothing to cover up with?

Good weekend, about to make some dinner. How's your weekend?
Never split my pants at all! :)

...spilled food on your pants and not been able to change, so you had to wear them for some public function?

Great weekend. Spent the whole day cooking/eating with friends. Delicious and fun. You cooking big for Thanksgiving?

...dated anyone 10 years older or younger than you?

No cooking for me, just going to my sis' and enjoying football and family.