No. ........had somone spit on you?
B BlueBalls Dead Oct 25, 2008 #2,463 Yes (sex). Mastubating in a changing room is kinda weird IMO. ......been involved in a high speed car chase?
Yes (sex). Mastubating in a changing room is kinda weird IMO. ......been involved in a high speed car chase?
jibbijib Oct 25, 2008 #2,464 BlueBalls said: Yes (sex). Mastubating in a changing room is kinda weird IMO. ......been involved in a high speed car chase? Click to expand... Does being on a bike count? ...Walked in on your friends humpin?
BlueBalls said: Yes (sex). Mastubating in a changing room is kinda weird IMO. ......been involved in a high speed car chase? Click to expand... Does being on a bike count? ...Walked in on your friends humpin?
ChefChiTown The secret ingredient? MY BALLS Oct 27, 2008 #2,469 Yes, a few times. ...been scratched by a kitten?
ChefChiTown The secret ingredient? MY BALLS Oct 27, 2008 #2,472 Yes. ...masturbated twice in a row, without stopping?
jibbijib Oct 27, 2008 #2,473 YES! It's fun. ..Same question... Have you masterbated twice in a row without stopping?
ChefChiTown The secret ingredient? MY BALLS Oct 27, 2008 #2,474 No, but I've tried? :dunno: ...watched an entire season of a TV show on DVD in one sitting?
B BlueBalls Dead Oct 27, 2008 #2,475 Yes, The Wire, the best way to watch it. .......laughed so hard some diarrhea came out?
carfiguy Oct 27, 2008 #2,476 No but I have had so much diarrhea come out that I laughed a little. .....looked at your own butt hole in the mirror?
No but I have had so much diarrhea come out that I laughed a little. .....looked at your own butt hole in the mirror?
ChefChiTown The secret ingredient? MY BALLS Oct 28, 2008 #2,478 Kind of, but she didn't have a big enough chest. ...masturbated to someone on TV?
PlasmaTwa2 The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement Oct 28, 2008 #2,480 Almost. I caught her jumping up and pulling her pants up as I opened the door... Ever wear your girlfriend/wife's pantyhose for a laugh?
Almost. I caught her jumping up and pulling her pants up as I opened the door... Ever wear your girlfriend/wife's pantyhose for a laugh?