Have you ever seen your mum naked?

My mum thinks there's something bad about being seen naked by me. I don't really know why she does. But this is kinda an issue that is not discussed in my family.

Maybe that's kinda weird but that's the way it is.
That's why I'm curious to know what about you and your mums?
This is such a weird thread.

It sounds realy sick

Also. why does she need to hide it?, if you are 25 shouldn't you have your own house.

Or does she just make a habbit of changing whenever you visit?
there's nothing more natural than seeing your mother/father naked.it's just a body.
when I was a kid we didn't have taboo's like that
this way no one grew up to be curious about it or sexually frustrated.
it's hiding things from children that triggers their weirdness.
if everything is out in the open,the kid does not get the impression that there's something "bad" going on.
there's nothing more natural than seeing your mother/father naked.it's just a body.
when I was a kid we didn't have taboo's like that
this way no one grew up to be curious about it or sexually frustrated.
it's hiding things from children that triggers their weirdness.
if everything is out in the open,the kid does not get the impression that there's something "bad" going on.

Yeah, you're absolutely right.
You got lucky
When I was a kid she even punished for trying to look under her skirt :(
Why did you say 25 then :dunno:
What is wrong with you?
Why would you want to looks up your mothers skirt?
No wonder she punished you.

Just wanted to look older

There's a period in your life you begin to understand that there's a genital difference between males and females and then you're anxious to see this difference for yourself. That's why I did it.
IMO a mum should speak to her son about private parts and compare them. She should help him to get prepared for future sexual life. That's what I'm talking about.


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Bronze Member
I have seen my grandmother naked when she visited us, when I was something like 7

It took some time to forget that.

Sometimes I envy the nudist people, on the other hand, when I see people nakey on our beaches (There are a lot areas where noone really cares so much if you go topless or fully naked), man, there's a lot of ugly shit walking around :)


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Nope because my mom charges way too much money for me to see her.