Have you ever seen your mum naked?

I don't have to try to do anything. I don't want to worry about a crummy roommate or some crummy cheap apt in a crummy neighborhood all because you feel that I "have to" move out. Really, it's none of anyone's business. I know I will get there and in the end, the wait will be worth it because I found the right place for me.

Yeah, as i said before, it is purely my opinion
The quote below sums that up.


Seems kind of immature and hypocritical to say so.

Daughters see their moms naked often. Especially if they swim or play tennis at the same club.

I didn't make any comment about sexuality. I simply answered the question and gave a little detail beyond that.

Someone created this topic.
Everyone reading this clicked on the link.

Anyone thinking that my post is "creepy" is being immature and hypocritical.

You guys on this site crack me up.
yes i have, it's really no big deal, i grew out of being interested in it when i hit double digits...oh and hts108, stop acting like a child, kthxbai:bang:

Seems kind of immature and hypocritical to say so.

Daughters see their moms naked often. Especially if they swim or play tennis at the same club.

I didn't make any comment about sexuality. I simply answered the question and gave a little detail beyond that.

Someone created this topic.
Everyone reading this clicked on the link.

Anyone thinking that my post is "creepy" is being immature and hypocritical.

You guys on this site crack me up.

It is ok for a girl to see her mum naked,, but you are a man. :1orglaugh :1orglaugh

I have no idea how that is either immature or hypocritical though :dunno:
I've seen both my parents naked, but not intentionally. My brother had the wonderful experience of seeing my 82 y/o grandmother naked...

I'm sure it happens a lot, and that most kids at one point or another have seen their parents naked, but I don't think that makes it 'okay' or 'natural'. And anyone wanting to see their family members naked is just disturbed.