Have you ever had a nightmare which will haunt you till the day you die?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
As a matter of fact, yes. It led me to your lair.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
That's why I've been shitting all over your lair?


Closed Account
I'm pretty much over my nightmares by the time I get out of bed. I had some intense nightmares as a child about zombies and dolls but they've all passed. About once a year I'll have a zombie nightmare but it's not as disturbing as the past ones.

My mother died in 2000 and I frequently dream about her because our relationship was less than stable and there's no chance for closure. A month ago I had a dream where she never died, she just decided to move away back in 2000 and not speak to any of her family. She was visiting us for only a day and then she got up and left without saying goodbye. It was like we were her enemies. Sad thing is my sister has similar dreams too.
Why all the hate to marrying and having kiddies. :Crying:

Mines just being the last person alive in the world. I keep having it over and over all the dead bodies everywhere. In the end I go insane and kill myself. Not to fun a dream.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Looks like cats though.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Ain't it wonderful?
This dream doesn't haunt me every day, but it scares me enough to wake me up and I've been having it periodically since I can remember.

I'm in an enormous, dark room/warehouse or something. I can't see walls in any direction or a ceiling but I know it ends somewhere. There is pillars made of stacked newspapers piling high as I can see. I'm wandering through them looking for...anything I guess when a spotlight from above shines on me. It follows me everywhere I go, no matter how fast I run or try to hide. I can't see who's operating it. Eventually after I've become panicked and frightened, the spotlight turns off and the room is pitch black again. After a few seconds or so I hear footsteps coming towards me and then I wake up.

I've had this dream hundreds of times. It scares me awake everytime and I have trouble falling back asleep, even as an adult.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
You'll have to catch me first.


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This dream doesn't haunt me every day, but it scares me enough to wake me up and I've been having it periodically since I can remember.

I'm in an enormous, dark room/warehouse or something. I can't see walls in any direction or a ceiling but I know it ends somewhere. There is pillars made of stacked newspapers piling high as I can see. I'm wandering through them looking for...anything I guess when a spotlight from above shines on me. It follows me everywhere I go, no matter how fast I run or try to hide. I can't see who's operating it. Eventually after I've become panicked and frightened, the spotlight turns off and the room is pitch black again. After a few seconds or so I hear footsteps coming towards me and then I wake up.

I've had this dream hundreds of times. It scares me awake everytime and I have trouble falling back asleep, even as an adult.
Anyone care to analyze the meaning of this dream?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Not really.


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Challenge yourself L3ggy.

I think the footsteps are Dirk's, and the spotlight represents the scrutiny of society or his parent's. Whatever. His self-realization lies at the end of the room.

STDiva is running away from some truth. What could it be?...


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I have a dream well it is more of a nightmare that I am a bowling pin about to be struck down by a bowling ball.
This dream doesn't haunt me every day, but it scares me enough to wake me up and I've been having it periodically since I can remember.

I'm in an enormous, dark room/warehouse or something. I can't see walls in any direction or a ceiling but I know it ends somewhere. There is pillars made of stacked newspapers piling high as I can see. I'm wandering through them looking for...anything I guess when a spotlight from above shines on me. It follows me everywhere I go, no matter how fast I run or try to hide. I can't see who's operating it. Eventually after I've become panicked and frightened, the spotlight turns off and the room is pitch black again. After a few seconds or so I hear footsteps coming towards me and then I wake up.

I've had this dream hundreds of times. It scares me awake everytime and I have trouble falling back asleep, even as an adult.

Anyone care to analyze the meaning of this dream?

The dark warehouse is his current life ie his current work situation. He's stuck in a rut where although he feels safe and secure but secretly wants out as he aspires to do more, go further. The spotlight is looking for him to take him out of there, it could be a job promotion opportunity or an idea/thought in his head where he thinks about making a drastic change to improve his life. However he panics about getting out from what he knows best and escapes the light into the safety of the dark which is all he knows and where he feels safe and secure. As long as there is a lingering part of his mind that wants out of the rut he is currently in that light will continue looking for him waiting for the day he stops running and lets it find him and take him away. :2 cents: