Tebow got another win for those Broncos!!!! It was allllllllllllllllllll Tebow!!!! Go Tebow!!! Did ya'll see Tebow make Novak miss that field goal? Tebow carried McGahee down into FG territory too!! What an incredible player. He's probably a good lover too.
I see you jumpin' on the bandwaggon now, huh?
(unless you were being sarcastic)
Dripping wet with sarcasm.
Well once he hones his passing skills (and you can't say he didn't throw some damn fine passes already) then you can eat crow. :yesyes:
PS: He's already pretty much guaranteed a win next week against the Queens.
if tebow's a winner then how come i get more pussy than him?
Ponder looked pretty good today. How you feelin about that boy?
Because there is more to life than pussy. Yesterday i heard the news that the famous welsh soccer player Gary Speed committed suicide at age 42. THe guy was extremly successful as a player and now as a manager (coach). The guy prob had more pussy thrown his way than you or me. Yet, i guess something was missing and he felt he had to end his life (which from the looks of it looked perfect).
With tebow i say if he finds his happiness in staying away from pussy, untill hes married. More power to him, he should do what makes him happy.
Interesting side note on Tebow's favorite wideout (the best white WR???) Eric Decker. His Rocori High School alma mater won the 4A State championship here two days ago. Was a pretty big deal. His stepbrother is on the team and the kid's got some game. But Erick Decker is pretty sick. That catch he made from TT's threaded pass was brilliant.
Welker is dope. Tim Dwight was my favorite. Don't even know what happened to him. He was kick returner and everything. Had some pretty dope skills.Wes Welker, Jordy Nelson and Austin Collie may have something to say about that. Although, all 3 of those guys have other worldly QB's throwing them the ball.
"There's almost a faith cliche, where (athletes) come out and say, 'I want to thank my Lord and savior,' " Warner told reporter Dan Bickley. "As soon as you say that, the guard goes up, the walls go up, and I came to realize you have to be more strategic. The greatest impact you can have on people is never what you say, but how you live. When you speak and represent the person of Jesus Christ in all actions of your life, people are drawn to that. You set the standard with your actions. The words can come after."
People tend to be repulsed by fake people.
It is not his religion that turns people off its the fact that even though he is at best a practice squad QB He given the starting job because of his I drink milk image.
The little ladies think hes so cute and wholesome, he loves his momma and look at all the good he does.
Sorry folks in the real world results, and only results, should get you a starting job in the NFL. He was a winner in collage because his teams were so overflowing with bought and paid for talent that the lesser talented QB couldn't hurt them too much.
I for one hope they keep playing him and trying to show hes the second coming because that means the Broncos will suck for many years to come.
If the 'virgin' goldenboy was half as bright as he thinks he is he would see the his assfaced arrogant collage coach did him a disservice by not trying to mold his game to the NFL system and more than probably cost him a chance at being an NFL QB.
Hey Timmy boy show the the world something, do what so many halfassed collage QB's with sick amounts of athletic ability did and discover the position of tight end/slot receiver it is what you were born to do. Maybe even someday you will be a deserving starter at that position instead of a guy his team uses to sell jerseys to make up for their lack of ticket sales.
More Broncos getting rolled week after week. More shots of Timmy running for his life. Bronco fans John Elway is an distant memory. In the here and now you suck, Terrel Davis isn't walking out of that tunnel.
It's amazing how people like Ndamukong Suh, Michael Vick, Ray Lewis are put on a pedestal and praised and glorified for their thug antics but someone like Tebow, who hasn't done anything wrong and been a victim of complete hatred because of his religion and how he carries himself on and off the field is a complete disgrace. Maybe one day America will wake up and stop being ignorant drones.
Tebow should listen to Kurt Warner.
Should Tim Tebow not be in the MVP race? One can argue for him being more valuable to his team than any other player.