It boggles my mind when NFL clubs draft first round QBs and act like they're gonna come directly in and improve their shitty ball clubs. That almost never happens. The fact is, no matter how good your QB is coming from college, they still need extensive coaching just to keep up with the NFL game. Tim Tebow is no fucking exception. There is not a single QB in the league that possibly be successful with what Tim has to work with. He has not been coached well whatsoever, nor has he been given the players necessary to win. Cam Newton comes into this league on a team chock full of pro bowlers and playoff/superbowl players, and for as good as he looks utilizing them, they only have 2 wins.
What the fuck are you looking for out of Tebow with no pro bowlers, no big game vets, and no real coaching. Look at the big fucking picture, Tebow haters.