No, Orton smells like the failure. Respect the Tebow! His coach and teammates do.
Because his team does....INCUDING the vets.
And so should you.
Maybe my view from outside the USA, can bring some different angle to this story.
First: If you bring 'Sport' and 'Hate' together, you are not understanding what the spirit of sport is about. I have had many games where both teams fought hard to score and win, but afterwards, it's all about slapping each other on the back and no bad feelings.
Maybe you go home and train harder to win the next game
Now, to the man in question, Tim Tebow. I knew his face from a Bill Maher special on the 'Dumbest State' in the USA. Those bible text things on the black marks on his face, that looked ridiculous.
So I looked at some of his highlights:
I have to say, he is a very good player.
So, why would you hate him???
more like fart.......