Hate More...

Snow (Looks great, hate driving in it and the cold....Grrrrrr)

Stupid commercials
People that try to dry-hump you when you're looking the other way?
Stupid people.... I would love to get dry humped (I think maybe, perhaps, OH Hell who knows)

People who are assholes or wimps
being right and not believed, i like to know when i believe something erroneously so i can stop believing it

finding mold on the remainder of a loaf of bread or finding mold on the remainder of a block of cheese

you can peel it off the cheese and the rest still tastes good. Mold permeates the whole loaf of bread.

Microwave meals (cheap tv dinners) or leftovers


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Dunno what kraft dinner is, but I'll take that because I like mayo on my chips (dutch style).
That's right; chips, NOT French fries. You might as well be writing in Double Dutch.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Definately the first.
A beloved pet dying.
A family member you weren't close to dying and leaving you a shedload of cash.