Hate More...

global warming...it's more problematic for our continued existence now the fact that we as humans allow poverty on such an immense scale might make one question whether humanities existence is all that swell a thing but...

a false dichotomy or a slippery slope argument
People who Believe. Not the ones who think maybe, but the ones who absolutely believe absent any sort of proof. The naysayers would change their mind in a heartbeat with proof.

Cheap Whiskey or Warm Beer


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Watching something streaming that keeps buffering, because a scratched dvd can be fixed.

Bad movies or bad actors.
Harry Potters. But that's just me.

People who walk forward without looking, or people that step backwards without looking? Not much of a choice, I know, but I was bumped into repeatedly today by violators of both.


Member, you member...
People who walk forward without looking - kinda the same reaction I give them both.

Getting a cold or getting malware?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
A malware, a cold usually goes away after a few days.

Screamo or Black Metal.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Stuffy nose. At least one can breath with a runny nose.
Not having any hot water to wash in the morning or not having any food in the morning?