no whipped cream for your pumpkin pie Lose an arm or lose a leg?
jod0565 Member, you member... Nov 28, 2006 #1,002 I gues either on would be terrible, so Both! Sunday drivers on Monday or Monday drivers on Sunday?
HeartBroker Nov 28, 2006 #1,004 Reckless drivers (At least the drunks are trying! LOL) No love or No life?
P panther Nov 29, 2006 #1,011 People that cut the cheese. People who cut in line or people that litter.
jod0565 Member, you member... Dec 2, 2006 #1,015 Cold coffee. Bad winter weather or Having a hole on your coat and it's freakin' cold?
HeartBroker Dec 2, 2006 #1,017 A bald beaver, they are so pathetic crawling around the creek bed w/o any... uh, nevermind. A great concert ending or a bad one starting?
A bald beaver, they are so pathetic crawling around the creek bed w/o any... uh, nevermind. A great concert ending or a bad one starting?
drdeath67 Dec 3, 2006 #1,019 same old news relatives that won't leave or missing someone you really care about?
D D-rock Dec 3, 2006 #1,020 Missing somebody you care about. Endless holiday commercials or holiday shoppers that get in your way?
Missing somebody you care about. Endless holiday commercials or holiday shoppers that get in your way?