Has Microsoft lost your trust??

Have you lost trust in Microsoft?

  • X-Box's exclusives are too good to pass up. I'll be the new system on launch day.

    Votes: 5 27.8%
  • I'll wait a few months, after the hype has died down and see if it is worth the money.

    Votes: 9 50.0%
  • I absolutely will never buy another Microsoft console again.

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • My X-Box never broke down anyway.

    Votes: 2 11.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
i had the original XBOX and that fucker gave me problems (couldnt play KOTOR) i traded that broken system in and hated that i never got to play KOTOR.
but a few months later (maybe like a year) i broke down got the OG XBOX again and got KOTOR and went well on my way to playing many a games on that system (still have it also!)
and i will probably get any new microsoft system that eventually comes out cause im a GAMER!
PS2 had failures. X-box 360 had failures. They are the exact same phenomenon, and that hasn't changed since the Commodore 64 days. By virtue of the fact that the 360 has more complex hardware than earlier systems, it was inherently more prone to fail. That concept is nothing new, and to label it as such is duplicitous on a level I can't even fathom. I understand the anger and frustration with what Microsoft did, but scapegoating them as "the first people to have system failure" is ludicrous.

Sony sat on their hands and didn't do a damn thing. The exact same error hit Zune players a couple of years ago, people were advised to do the same thing, and a patch to fix it was out within 48 hours.

Why does this matter you may ask? Let's say for example that you want to watch Netflix on your PS3. The PS3 hasn't been reprogrammed to fix the leap year bug, and stays one day off on the calender, and the movie you're watching is only offered by Netflix until the next day. Netflix allows you access, but your PS3 can't synch up authentication, and your console locks up. Another example, let's say the bug remains unfixed, and Sony releases a firmware update. As part of the authentication process of all of the major consoles, timestamps must match between Sony's servers and your PS3. The bug prevents this, and you lock up your system again, and more importantly, can't get access to the firmware update. The same situation could be true for DLC for a game, or almost any transaction on your PS3. It's a glaring bug that could in fact render anything Internet related outside of online play absolutely useless.

You've got to take the blinders off, bud. Certainly you may like one system more than another, but the bottom line is both systems have pluses and minuses, as do both companies, so outright labeling the 360 as the bad seed is just foolish.

You're missing the key phrase here Mr Shayd. They are being labeled as the first people to have system failure on 51% of their consoles. Its that catastrophic failure rate that has been unheard of in gaming. The new phenomenon here is the insane failure rate of the xbox360 and not the fact that they are having "general hardware issues". Like we both stated, there's been system failures from commodore 64 to our current gen, its nothing new. But that failure rate of over half the consoles is VERY new.

The bottom line once again....the xbox360 has given people multiple RROD's and the only problem with ps3 outside of general console failures was the clock issue. And as we all know, that fixed itself within 24hours and everythings been purring since.
Though I've experienced 2 RROD's, I'll inevitably end up getting M$'s next console at launch, just because I'll feel like I can't wait. I will make sure to get a warranty, though.

I would have to agree with lachemo that the main issue is that the failure rate of the 360 was far higher than probably any console to date.

IMO, the next biggest problem was that they took WAAAAY to long to find a true solution to the problem. That band-aid shit was unacceptable. You send it back for "repair", and then you get back someone else's piece of refurbished crap that RROD's again soon thereafter.
Though I've experienced 2 RROD's, I'll inevitably end up getting M$'s next console at launch, just because I'll feel like I can't wait. I will make sure to get a warranty, though.

I would have to agree with lachemo that the main issue is that the failure rate of the 360 was far higher than probably any console to date.

IMO, the next biggest problem was that they took WAAAAY to long to find a true solution to the problem. That band-aid shit was unacceptable. You send it back for "repair", and then you get back someone else's piece of refurbished crap that RROD's again soon thereafter.

absolutely. It makes me laugh when people back-up Microsoft too, no offence Mr Shayd and Mr Warrior. Microsoft went to production knowing that they had hardware problems just so they could get the 360 out for the holiday and a year before ps3. To me thats a slap in the face to the gaming community cause it was all about trying to fill their greedy bank accounts.
You're missing the key phrase here Mr Shayd. They are being labeled as the first people to have system failure on 51% of their consoles. Its that catastrophic failure rate that has been unheard of in gaming. The new phenomenon here is the insane failure rate of the xbox360 and not the fact that they are having "general hardware issues". Like we both stated, there's been system failures from commodore 64 to our current gen, its nothing new. But that failure rate of over half the consoles is VERY new.

The bottom line once again....the xbox360 has given people multiple RROD's and the only problem with ps3 outside of general console failures was the clock issue. And as we all know, that fixed itself within 24hours and everythings been purring since.

Not to nitpick, but again, failures are not new, the quantity is new.

absolutely. It makes me laugh when people back-up Microsoft too, no offence Mr Shayd and Mr Warrior. Microsoft went to production knowing that they had hardware problems just so they could get the 360 out for the holiday and a year before ps3. To me thats a slap in the face to the gaming community cause it was all about trying to fill their greedy bank accounts.

Again, no, Microsoft did not know that there were failures in production, because they didn't test their consoles enough to know. That's why this whole problem exists. I'm not trying to be a Microsoft apologist, merely trying to show that every company has their pluses and minuses, and there really isn't one better than the other.
Not to nitpick, but again, failures are not new, the quantity is new.

Again, no, Microsoft did not know that there were failures in production, because they didn't test their consoles enough to know. That's why this whole problem exists. I'm not trying to be a Microsoft apologist, merely trying to show that every company has their pluses and minuses, and there really isn't one better than the other.

I respect your opinions 100% Shayd, never get me wrong on that. Since xbox hit the scene not too long after ps2, the debate began and it will be there forever until one of these companies throws in the towel. And the way games keep growing in popularity by the hour, that will never happen. And I like it that way to tell you truth. Because in the end,Us, the consumers, are always the winners in a 2 company head to head bout. Look at all the great games getting thrown at us while these two huge companies slug it out.

Its like, you gonna try to knock me out with Uncharted 2 and GodOFwar 3? Well let me throw a Mass Effect 2 and Halo left hook to your eye socket. Ya' know what I mean here? Its exciting....
well maybe after Windows 8... what a crap that is... i can't even touch my touchpad without other screens popping up which i never asked for.
Windows 7 was great by the way... i wish they could have sticked with that..