Has Microsoft lost your trust??

Have you lost trust in Microsoft?

  • X-Box's exclusives are too good to pass up. I'll be the new system on launch day.

    Votes: 5 27.8%
  • I'll wait a few months, after the hype has died down and see if it is worth the money.

    Votes: 9 50.0%
  • I absolutely will never buy another Microsoft console again.

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • My X-Box never broke down anyway.

    Votes: 2 11.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Mr.Jizz brought up a good point in the Red Ring of Death thread.

When Microsoft eventually releases a new system, will you buy it? Will you rush out to buy it? Wait for a while? Just say no altogether?

I'll definitely wait a few months before I spend big bucks on them again. I'm kind of sour after the 3 RROD's. But some people won't care. What are the chances their next console has the same astronomical failure rate?

If they were to convince me to buy it, they'd have to have a huge launch with some sic games and a relatively low price tag. None of this $599 bull. :rolleyes:

What you say? Is your love of video games too much that you'll forgive and forget for past console failures? Or do you work too hard for your money to take that risk again?
Yeah they have lost mine. They lost my trust as soon as I heard an 81 year old woman going on and on about her grandson's 360 she bought him for Christmas. She not only new what the RROD acronym stood for, but she knew its primary cause.
I love the exclusives for X-Box. But I won't be buying anything at launch. Not only do I get to see the bugs come out while I wait, but the price tag will drop too. If they have similar problems with the new console, whenever it comes out, I'll wait a year or so before I go near Microsoft again. If at all. My PS3 will keep me entertained in the meantime.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I'll get the next console too. But like others said, I'll wait awhile.
No i love my 360 (only 1 RROD...knock,knock,knock on wood!)
but i also have PS3 and love my PS3 also.
i do highly doubt there will be another new system for either company anytime soon.i read it will be a while before something new hits the market.

(my vote is to wait)
if it comes out before ps4 then I'll get it on launch day, even though Microsoft has me pissed with my 3 RROD's. I'm getting bored with this gen and it looks like ps4/nextbox is a good 4 or 5 years away. That said, I'm already itching for the next gen right now and I can't imagine a nextbox coming out and me not jumping on the new hardware right away.

I'm making my own poll option here......#5 I will get it on launch day cause I want new hardware now and not later. I can care less about xbox exclusives.
I never buy technology like this when it first comes out. When it comes to video game systems I wait a year or so or until I can afford it after the first year of being out. Too many problems with them. I'm pretty sure both sides, Sony and Microsoft, have learned their lessons with these past consoles.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I never buy technology like this when it first comes out. When it comes to video game systems I wait a year or so or until I can afford it after the first year of being out. Too many problems with them. I'm pretty sure both sides, Sony and Microsoft, have learned their lessons with these past consoles.

Also waiting a year you won't pay full price for the damn thing.
I never buy technology like this when it first comes out. When it comes to video game systems I wait a year or so or until I can afford it after the first year of being out. Too many problems with them. I'm pretty sure both sides, Sony and Microsoft, have learned their lessons with these past consoles.

Also waiting a year you won't pay full price for the damn thing.

let me ask you two something and I think this applies to ps4 and nextbox more then any other launch before it because the graphics in this current gen are already insane as it is.

Would you really want to wait a whole year to see what happens with ps4/nextbox after you see the first batch of games in action, showing mind blowing graphics? And lets say they do indeed achieve CG quality visuals that are playable in real-time. I think its safe to say you'd jump right on the wagon next gen after seeing a game like that in action.
let me ask you two something and I think this applies to ps4 and nextbox more then any other launch before it because the graphics in this current gen are already insane as it is.

Would you really want to wait a whole year to see what happens with ps4/nextbox after you see the first batch of games in action, showing mind blowing graphics? And lets say they do indeed achieve CG quality visuals that are playable in real-time. I think its safe to say you'd jump right on the wagon next gen after seeing a game like that in action.

It gets to me sometimes about missing out on fun new games. Though, I don't care, because I have games back in PS1, PS2, Xbox, GameCube, 360, Wii, PC, and so much more that can bide my time over very well until a year or so passes by and I feel comfortable enough to buy a system. At the least I would wait 6-9 months before I buy. Depending on how many horror stories I hear be it a RROD or whatever else can go wrong with new technology. As for waiting for the game, at least I know I won't buy the system, start to get into the game, and then the system breaks down where I will then have to wait for the system to come back. Not to mention possibility of having to spend more money to repair the system or buy a new one altogether.

I have a tremendous amount of patience. I have no qualms waiting a year or so before I get to play new games.
It gets to me sometimes about missing out on fun new games. Though, I don't care, because I have games back in PS1, PS2, Xbox, GameCube, 360, Wii, PC, and so much more that can bide my time over very well until a year or so passes by and I feel comfortable enough to buy a system. At the least I would wait 6-9 months before I buy. Depending on how many horror stories I hear be it a RROD or whatever else can go wrong with new technology. As for waiting for the game, at least I know I won't buy the system, start to get into the game, and then the system breaks down where I will then have to wait for the system to come back. Not to mention possibility of having to spend more money to repair the system or buy a new one altogether.

I have a tremendous amount of patience. I have no qualms waiting a year or so before I get to play new games.

You know whats funny about all this, a system breaking like the 360 did was never on somebodys mind like this when past consoles came out. Thanks to xbox360s 51% failure rate, everyone is overly cautious from now on in. There was never an issue of this caliber to be thinking about in the past. Its kind of ashame really. And believe it or not, it affects Sony too. When ps4 comes out people will think about what happened to 360 with RROD's. Don't care if its a different company or not.
You know whats funny about all this, a system breaking like the 360 did was never on somebodys mind like this when past consoles came out. Thanks to xbox360s 51% failure rate, everyone is overly cautious from now on in. There was never an issue of this caliber to be thinking about in the past. Its kind of ashame really. And believe it or not, it affects Sony too. When ps4 comes out people will think about what happened to 360 with RROD's. Don't care if its a different company or not.

I didn't get a PS2 until it was out for 6 months. I knew of few people who had to send their PS2 to get fixed including myself. I had to send mine to be fixed in 2002. Haven't had to since.

My Xbox is fine. Xbox is a sturdy piece of machinery. GameCube I bought off a friend. Haven't had any problems with that. Now that I have a Wii the GameCube sits nicely in its box home.

I always waited 6 months, now it's a year typically, before I buy a new system. I let all the bugs and problems be fixed up and I go from there. I had one RROD with my 360. The only system I need now to complete my collection is a PS3. Which, depending on finances, I am going to try and get within 2010.

People now, for those who run out on launch day to buy the new systems, I am sure they will be much more cautious next time.
No Microsoft has not lost my trust. I bought my 360 3 years after launch and have yet to have it break on me. If anything I'm very cautious about Sony's consoles. I've had 2 PS2s breakdown on me while my original XBOX is still going strong. I almost never buy a console during the first year. My XBOX, 360, and PS3 were all bought at least 2 or 3 years after launch while the PS2 is the only console that I bought on launch day. Whenever the next consoles come out I will not be buying them the 1st or maybe even 2nd year out.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Would you really want to wait a whole year to see what happens with ps4/nextbox after you see the first batch of games in action, showing mind blowing graphics? And lets say they do indeed achieve CG quality visuals that are playable in real-time. I think its safe to say you'd jump right on the wagon next gen after seeing a game like that in action.

No, but given the fact that the new consoles will be at least a grand brand new, that'll give me plenty of motivation to wait. Maybe not a grand but well over the 500 that 360 cost new.
No, but given the fact that the new consoles will be at least a grand brand new, that'll give me plenty of motivation to wait. Maybe not a grand but well over the 500 that 360 cost new.

I don't know Legz, I think thats just speculation fueled by the way you invision the games. They can fit alot of hardware in a small package these days and will have advancements 5 years from now. They will be foolish to develop a system that would have a price tag over $399.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I don't know Legz, I think thats just speculation fueled by the way you invision the games. They can fit alot of hardware in a small package these days and will have advancements 5 years from now. They will be foolish to develop a system that would have a price tag over $399.

Yes but looking back on video game history, every time a new console comes out the price goes up. At least for the first year or so that the console is out then the price drops start. I'll be surprised if they keep it under 500 even.