Halloween Two officially announced for 2009!!


Halloween two already happened, what? Twenty years ago/ lol
The original is one of the best films ever made. That said, I LOVE Zombie and his movies. His remake is easily the best remake since the days of the Fly and the Blob.

I am very excited about this movie. Originally, the guys behind the excellent Inside (you seen that one Mercedez? It is a SUCH a great movie!!!!!) were slated to direct this. But, disagreements occurred, or something not sure what it really was, and Zombie is back.

I think he will pull off a killer movie. And, yes Michael cannot and will not die!

I heard about the Let the Right One In, but ain't seen it, yet. I don't think this one is available in the US, yet.


Closed Account
i like all of robs moives i am willing to bet that halloween was one of his favorite moives as a kid. so that being said rob is a fan of the halloween series so he will do a great job. i also i assume john carpenter liked what he did if rob is getting ready fro part two. i liked rob's remake better then the texas chainsaw remake you can tell rob cares about story.i mean the man has a room in his house that is all horror moives on dvd whs and laserdisc. so how could a huge horror buff like that do any wrong makeing moives i can't wait.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I want to know how he's going to bring back Michael without it getting really, really stupid. He dies in both endings, the only way to bring him back is to make him supernatural, or have someone else under the mask. Neither is good. He got shot in the fucking face. He's either dead or a vegtable.
I personally enjoyed Rob Zombie's Halloween quite a bit. Sure, he changed some stuff up, but that's what made it enjoyable to me. It wasnt just the same old stuff. And the last thing I wanted to see was another carbon copy Halloween movie trying so hard to emulate Carpenter's classic and ultimately failing. Rob's felt different, and was different in many respects. And for that, I thought it was quite excellent.

Sequel? I guess I can go for that. Although I do remember reading something about Rob having no intention on doing a sequel when the remake was making it's theatrical rounds, apparently he's had a change of heart. And as far as Michael returning? I dont know. I think the ending (the theatrical ending and not the workprint ending) felt very surreal. From Loomis, to the blacking out, something just seemed off about the last five or so minutes of the film. Which as a result, might have been done on purpose just incase a sequel was going to be greenlit. Which now ... it has.
Yeah, the third one didn't have Michael in it. I consider that movie more like a franchise rather than an actual Halloween movie.

It's like going to IHOP and ordering a steak dinner. The stupid thing should come with pancakes automatially. You shouldn't have to ask for them seperately!

Halloween must have Michael Meyers in it.


Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Yeah, the third one didn't have Michael in it. I consider that movie more like a franchise rather than an actual Halloween movie.

It's like going to IHOP and ordering a steak dinner. The stupid thing should come with pancakes automatially. You shouldn't have to ask for them seperately!

Halloween must have Michael Meyers in it.

LOL but I totally agree!
I couldn't tolerate that Halloween remake. Fuck my stupid ass friend for making me watch it. Actually, I left about three quarters of the way through. I felt it would be disrespectful to leave any earlier. I made some cool beats and rhymes in my head though, and thought of a cool dragon design. Did I actually see more than 10 minutes of the movie? I can't recall.
OK did you guys even watch Rob Zombie's version of Halloween because I have seen it 1k times and I think it is a better story than the original you get a better perspective of why he is the way he is and how he actually got the knife and Mask. The original story never covered any of that!

must go get and watch.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Rob Zombie announced today on his official myspace page that Tyler Mane will be returning to play Michael Myers!

Well that's good, I guess. He made a good Michael.