Guitar Hero Van Halen.


what the fuck you lookin at?
If you're a VH fan and like guitar games than its a no brainer Mr. Whaler. Another thing I'm loving too is that it feels like you are hammering these riffs as you would on a real guitar. When Eddie ascends and descends the fretboard like he would for these songs for real,the game nails this spot on with the way they arranged the riffs to be played on the controller.

Eddies guitar work on the early Van Halen stuff is very angry sounding,aggressive and like I said very intricate. It sounds very bad ass and once again, when you pull off these licks right along with the music you feel bad ass too......thats the only way I can describe it.

I can see people having a complaint alittle about the track list having no Hagar songs and the supporting stuff not fitting but hey,thats what DLC is for and people nit pick way too much with music games these days.....

thats the way most of the songs on every other music game is. GH:VH is nothing ground breaking. You've just never gotten into any of the other GH or RB games. So with that I say welcome to the genre :hatsoff:
thats the way most of the songs on every other music game is. GH:VH is nothing ground breaking. You've just never gotten into any of the other GH or RB games. So with that I say welcome to the genre :hatsoff:

Sorry Legz but I have guitar hero 3,Metallica,rock band 1 and 2. I never really said that GH VanH was ground breaking,Im implying that its approach to these intricate riffs and solos is pulled off better and differently than all the other guitar games. Face it,there isnt any songs to be found on any music game until now that has riffs from a player who approached things the way Eddie did.

Ive probably played 1/2 of Metallicas catalog within 20 yrs of playing guitar and I constantly say to myself "what were they thinking" when I play GH Metallica and Im referring to the choice of button combos to pull off the riffs.

Keep in mind that I'm looking at these games from a real guitar to plastic guitar translation.....
downloaded the far cool,but hard
and i completed Tallica GH

yeah the demo is cool. Panama and Eruption are a good choice for the demo. Im a big killswitch fan so "the end of the heartache" was a cool bonus.

If you get it,wait till you play Atomic punk,Unchained,Mean streets.....those are great.
yeah the demo is cool. Panama and Eruption are a good choice for the demo. Im a big killswitch fan so "the end of the heartache" was a cool bonus.

If you get it,wait till you play Atomic punk,Unchained,Mean streets.....those are great.

Killswitch is my favorite band so i did "end of heartache" on both guitar & bass.
Killswitch is great. Do you have "my curse" on rockband? Great song for a guitar game......

No i only have Metallica:GH i dont have any other GH or RB games was like a 1 time thing. because it was metallica.

NOW..lachemo would like this part.
ALL this VH:GH made me going on a little shopping trip this morning as i wanted to get Van Halens Live Without a Net (live show from 86)
i used to have it on vhs....and never thought of getting it on DVD.
until today...good thing the closest Best Buy had 1 or i would have been on a scavenger hunt and not a nice easy shopping trip.
For anyone who doesn't know just watch the Guitar Solo from that concert and watch the sick shit Edward Van Halen can do with a guitar!

i get goose bumps and the hair on my neck stands up everytime i watch this solo!
guitar hero killed it

too many expansions

too many artists/bands trying to take over and have their expansion made

ie aerosmith metallica etc


what the fuck you lookin at?
guitar hero killed it

too many expansions

too many artists/bands trying to take over and have their expansion made

ie aerosmith metallica etc

and now rockband is following suit.

AC/DC, Beatles, Greenday...who's next?
No i only have Metallica:GH i dont have any other GH or RB games was like a 1 time thing. because it was metallica.

NOW..lachemo would like this part.
ALL this VH:GH made me going on a little shopping trip this morning as i wanted to get Van Halens Live Without a Net (live show from 86)
i used to have it on vhs....and never thought of getting it on DVD.
until today...good thing the closest Best Buy had 1 or i would have been on a scavenger hunt and not a nice easy shopping trip.
For anyone who doesn't know just watch the Guitar Solo from that concert and watch the sick shit Edward Van Halen can do with a guitar!

i get goose bumps and the hair on my neck stands up everytime i watch this solo!

How did you know I would like that part? lol That solo was the nail in the coffin with begging my folks to let me take up guitar and Ive been playing since. My hair stood up too Mr Whaler with that solo. I still have my VHs and I got the dvd too. I beat that vhs to hell and back just by looping the good memories.
How did you know I would like that part? lol That solo was the nail in the coffin with begging my folks to let me take up guitar and Ive been playing since. My hair stood up too Mr Whaler with that solo. I still have my VHs and I got the dvd too. I beat that vhs to hell and back just by looping the good memories.

well with all your talk of the guitar i figured you had to love that!
i just watch his hands and im like :rolleyes:

i am the same way with Drums/Drummers.
i get :rolleyes: watching Jason Bittner of Shadows Fall
i have this little lesson on DVD but here it is from youtube (only like 4 minutes long) its sick when he plays the drum fill part slow :)1orglaugh) then plays it at actual speed. (@ 1minute 50seconds)
i love guitar lots but drums like this fascinate me even more.
and now rockband is following suit.

AC/DC, Beatles, Greenday...who's next?

Kiss should be next. Them or the Stones but Kiss is such a visual band that I can't believe they dropped the ball on this GH stuff and failed to capitalize on it. I'm thinking song rights, it's gotta be because of legalities.
well with all your talk of the guitar i figured you had to love that!
i just watch his hands and im like :rolleyes:

i am the same way with Drums/Drummers.
i get :rolleyes: watching Jason Bittner of Shadows Fall
i have this little lesson on DVD but here it is from youtube (only like 4 minutes long) its sick when he plays the drum fill part slow :)1orglaugh) then plays it at actual speed. (@ 1minute 50seconds)
i love guitar lots but drums like this fascinate me even more.

I love Shadows fall they're an insane band. Those kids can play guitar too. I love their riffs,they make the guitar speak with articulation in their playing and can be aggressive at the same time. Thats not an easy thing to pull off and Eddie was one of the best at this. His riffs are fucking mean and speak aggresively but dont shine in a negative way.

My fav drummer of all time is in my fav band of all time,Neil Peart.
i wish these types of games would go the way of the Dodo bird.

it was kinda fun the first time around but it's become a case of way too much too soon. oversaturated the market.

i hate these games now.
Whats the word around the camp fire for DLC with Guitar Hero Van halen????
Correct me if I'm wrong,out of the band dedicated Guitar heros,VanHalen,Beatles,Metallica etc the Beatles is the only one to ever get DLC right?

I remember on the psn store seeing a section for "Beatles GH downloads". Ive never seen anything in the lines of "metallica GH downloads" whats the scoop???
Whats the word around the camp fire for DLC with Guitar Hero Van halen????
Correct me if I'm wrong,out of the band dedicated Guitar heros,VanHalen,Beatles,Metallica etc the Beatles is the only one to ever get DLC right?

I remember on the psn store seeing a section for "Beatles GH downloads". Ive never seen anything in the lines of "metallica GH downloads" whats the scoop???

the only metallica DLC i saw and got was the whole Death Magnetic album


what the fuck you lookin at?
Whats the word around the camp fire for DLC with Guitar Hero Van halen????
Correct me if I'm wrong,out of the band dedicated Guitar heros,VanHalen,Beatles,Metallica etc the Beatles is the only one to ever get DLC right?

I remember on the psn store seeing a section for "Beatles GH downloads". Ive never seen anything in the lines of "metallica GH downloads" whats the scoop???

The beatles RB got DLC because it was made by HMX. Who actually put out DLC for their games. Unlike activision which makes a game and then doesn't bother with DLC. They had some for a while for World Tour but it was all shit. Death Magnetic album was released for DLC for GH3 originally. I doubt you'll see any.