what the fuck you lookin at?
If you're a VH fan and like guitar games than its a no brainer Mr. Whaler. Another thing I'm loving too is that it feels like you are hammering these riffs as you would on a real guitar. When Eddie ascends and descends the fretboard like he would for these songs for real,the game nails this spot on with the way they arranged the riffs to be played on the controller.
Eddies guitar work on the early Van Halen stuff is very angry sounding,aggressive and like I said very intricate. It sounds very bad ass and once again, when you pull off these licks right along with the music you feel bad ass too......thats the only way I can describe it.
I can see people having a complaint alittle about the track list having no Hagar songs and the supporting stuff not fitting but hey,thats what DLC is for and people nit pick way too much with music games these days.....
thats the way most of the songs on every other music game is. GH:VH is nothing ground breaking. You've just never gotten into any of the other GH or RB games. So with that I say welcome to the genre :hatsoff: