Guitar Freaks Out There


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
So true. You can knock people off their feet hitting them with a gazillion notes per minute, but can you say something with just a handful?

Because you have to be a true master to put all your soul in a single note or two.



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Bronze Member
Man I hate these different country issues, when you get a link and Youtube, sorry, not available for your country.

Will google it :)


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Man I hate these different country issues, when you get a link and Youtube, sorry, not available for your country.

Will google it :)

The Albert King/Stevie jam is perhaps one of the greatest blues performances I've ever seen. It's just spectacular.

I first saw it channel surfing late one night while I was laid over in a hotel. It was being advertised on one of those PBS 'buy this, support public TV' kinda gigs .... I abandoned the girl I was with (much to her annoyance), but we both ended up cross legged on the end of the bed, sipping beer and watching the whole thing through into the early hours!


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Ah, another newcomer.
Speed is about the worst measuring stick when it comes to guitarists...


Who said it was being used as a measuring stick? In fact, the opening post (and other subsequent posts) makes it pretty clear it's not, as musicality is key here.

Read, old sage. And learn.


I need to find my Rory Gallagher dvd.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Steve Lukather is an awesome guitarist that often gets overlooked because of all the session work he's done.



Expect Nothing and Appreciate Everything
Dragonforce, noted for their speed...not neccesarly the best though!

im sure the guy in the original post is quicker though :D


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Anybody seen Dragonforce live? Probably the sloppiest band I've ever seen. Sounded teeeeerrrrrible. Herman has done some lessons for Guitar World and he looks like an amateur. YouTube his sweep lessons. It's laughable.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
This little thing caused HUGE debate on YouTube for a while - she only posted her legs when recording vids. The debate was, not only who was this amazing guitarist, but also - dude or dame? Most people thought she was a MrTrebus or something (mostly because of the hands).

Anyway, she finally revealed herself. And hoooo fuck. She can fucking play

He or She? vid

Revealed! vid
I hate to be contrarian, but this doesn't really impress me. Sure, the guys got speed, but it's a totally hackneyed style. Backtrack rock.


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
As for the guys on Long Island, where I'm from.

Westbury's Joe Satriani is probably the fastest guy you'll come across. However he does miss notes occasionally.

I believe guys like Hicksville's Al Pitrelli, Massapequa's Brian Setzer, and King Park's John Petrucci are much better because they don't ever miss notes.
As a long time guitar player myself, I can certainly recognize the skill of these lightening fast players. They have a mastery of the instrument myself or most others will never have.

That said, sometimes the speed approach comes across as "soulless" with little or no emotion behind it IMHO. :2 cents:


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
As for the guys on Long Island, where I'm from.

Westbury's Joe Satriani is probably the fastest guy you'll come across. However he does miss notes occasionally.

I believe guys like Hicksville's Al Pitrelli, Massapequa's Brian Setzer, and King Park's John Petrucci are much better because they don't ever miss notes.

I was getting to Petrucci next!

He is a God :bowdown:

And Seltzer - one of the all time greats. And he wrote Stray Cat Strut, so that makes him extra-special.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Yeah. And maybe he should take a lesson from Ted Greene. And maybe watch a Chet Atkins video or two.

I saw Chet Atkins in a Denny's in Nashville years ago during Fan Fair. He was having coffee and reading the paper so I left him alone. Imagine if he had wanted to play metal. Good god, son-



Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I was getting to Petrucci next!

He is a God :bowdown:

And Seltzer - one of the all time greats. And he wrote Stray Cat Strut, so that makes him extra-special.

His name is Setzer :) You must have mixed him up with that Alka Seltzer you just took ^^

That street musician reminded me of this cat

Rest in peace!
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And just a testament to how obnoxiously good Jason Becker was, here's a video of him doing Bach's Prelude from Lute Suite 4 the hard way.

And here is the way it's 'normally' played for comparison.
