As a drummer, I've spent quite a few years bouncing to other instruments. (insert penis joke here).
After a few years, I've managed to get decent at guitar. I own an acoustic electric and a pretty nice Epiphone Les Paul Standard.
Long story short, I've got pedal fever again. What do you guys love to use?
I'm THIS fucking close to ordering the Digitech Digidelay.
I've been so-so with Digitech, but this seems ot be a solid pedal at a decent price. So many functions like the reverse, 4 second loop, nice reverb and all that shit.
I was going to get a nice Crybaby Wah, but I think the Digidelay sounds like first, then wah. I've developed my own style and I think the delay would be pretty nice. I colour outside the lines like Sonic Youth sometimes.
I own a pretty awesome pedal that I'll show you guys if you can give me some good feedback here
After a few years, I've managed to get decent at guitar. I own an acoustic electric and a pretty nice Epiphone Les Paul Standard.
Long story short, I've got pedal fever again. What do you guys love to use?
I'm THIS fucking close to ordering the Digitech Digidelay.
I've been so-so with Digitech, but this seems ot be a solid pedal at a decent price. So many functions like the reverse, 4 second loop, nice reverb and all that shit.
I was going to get a nice Crybaby Wah, but I think the Digidelay sounds like first, then wah. I've developed my own style and I think the delay would be pretty nice. I colour outside the lines like Sonic Youth sometimes.
I own a pretty awesome pedal that I'll show you guys if you can give me some good feedback here