Just got it yesterday and i will share my thoughts.First of all,i only have a shitty 68cm tv and found when i turned the brightness,contrast and saturation all to full,then there was no issue with dullness and i also tweaked my tv options to suit.
As with the driving difficulties i agree with the majority that after a few hours it gets easier,although in australia and britain we drive on the left

The best way to appreciate the graphics is to use the closest view and walk around without panning too fast.When i first got this my 10 year old son was driving flat out and sprinting when on foot and i thought the graphics were good without being brilliant,but slow the driving down too(treat it like real life)and the detail is insane!!
I have the ps3 version,and to get in a taxi after hailing it down you hold down triangle for 2 seconds rather than just hitting it quick.Whalers,its L1 to hail a cab.
I play comp darts in real life and was a little disappointed with the interpretation but its still something different to do.
And lastly getting pissed had me laughing so much it fucking hurt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!