Got into someone else's email account and what I found disturbed me...

Says the guy who hacks into the e-mail accounts of "enemies".

Just out of curiosity, (once again, assuming your story is actually true) how do you know for a fact that he had a bunch of child pornography in his e-mail? Did you actually view the files in question? :dunno:

Unfortunately yes...I clicked on a message simply labeled "pics" and saw some images that are ingrained in my head now...I didn't download them just saw in thumbnail form but even in those little pics you could see how young they were. Truly disgusting. When I clicked on the "back" button I noticed many more listed as "little girl pics", "vids", "storylines", etc (which I did not open). Also, I don't think what I did would really be considered "hacking" just dumbluck coupled with his stupidity (making a password so easy to guess).


Closed Account
Was his password...password?

I just find this whole story completely fucked up. You went looking for trouble, and YOU found it.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Unfortunately yes...I clicked on a message simply labeled "pics" and saw some images that are ingrained in my head now...I didn't download them just saw in thumbnail form but even in those little pics you could see how young they were. Truly disgusting.

To be honest, I've never seen an e-mail server that shows thumbnails of files being sent back and forth between two people. So...:dunno:

When I clicked on the "back" button I noticed many more listed as "little girl pics", "vids", "storylines", etc (which I did not open).

Personally, if I were going to be e-mailing a bunch of illegal files to somebody, I wouldn't be labeling them as "little girl pics" or anything close to that. So, once again...:dunno:

Also, I don't think what I did would really be considered "hacking" just dumbluck coupled with his stupidity (making a password so easy to guess).

It's 100% hacking. Not to mention, it's illegal to look at other people's private information.

That's like saying you were walking up and down the street with a set of car keys in your hand, "just so happened" to find a matching car, opened up the door, started up the engine and then drove away in it...that's still illegal.

Once again, your story sounds awfully fishy to me and I'm not even a detective. A detective would be ripping your story apart by the seams and finding all sorts of :bs:.
Yahoo email shows a thumbnail display of images once you open an email that has photos attached (you don't have to download the images). He also had messages listed as "old joe's pedophila stories".
Here's the law you've broken:

Stored Communications Act

As you can see, the penalty for this is one year in prison or a fine. The fine is determined by what class the crime is, found here:

Federal Sentencing Classifications

Under those guidelines, its a Class A Misdemeanor. If you look here:


You'll see that the maximum fine for a Class A Misdemeanor is $100,000.

So, you're looking at up to 1 year in prison or $100,000 for what you did. Pretty hefty. However, I would look into immunity. Go to your regional FBI office, tell them that you have information about a major child porn trafficker, but that you found out about it in the course of a misdemeanor crime and you want immunity from that before you tell them anything. My guess is that they'll go along with it. At that point, their lawyers can worry about the admissibility of the evidence. Its out of your hands.

No exactly what he said. Defintely the best advice.


Loves the double vag
You came to us for advice and got sound advice.
Please make a decision and live with the consequences.
Just my thoughts...
If your story is true my gut tells me the feds would be more than happy to give you immunity to bust some one with kiddie porn on their computer.
Good luck and remember that doing something illegal to an enemy is what got you into this mess in the first place. Had you not hacked into his e-mail account he would most likely been caught on his own.
As for me, I am done with this thread as it has too many "red flags" and my "spidey" senses and B.S. meter are both telling me that something is seriously wrong here.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
The fact that you busted into his email.. so to speak; doesnt mean anyone will disregard the probable cause that you planted those pics there, that you knew the whole time, that posession is 9/10ths of the law.. my advice is to GTFO and just claim innocence. No good deed goes unpunished.


Hiliary 2020
If I had a lot of child porn if my 'sent' folder, and I was affraid that someone had hacked my e-mail, I think I would ask very similar question as in this thread :dunno:

There we go again thinking the same thing.

Don't want to make accusations, so I won't give an opinion.
A completely improbable story:

I had a female roommate in college at my first apartment, who was quite hot. I knew she had a freak side, but she hid it well. The same summer I was living with her, a random dude I worked with who did drywall and painting with me as a summer job on campus managed to hack a bunch of people's AIM histories. He mentioned a screenname and I said, "Holy shit that's my roommate!"... I felt bad but I had to look... turns out she and her best friend were swapping boyfriends willingly!! (At least once anyway)

It made things awkward when she broke up with the guy "because he wasn't right", when I knew he left her for her best friend because apparently her best friend was a better fuck. I thought if I mentioned the swap she might get suspicious, so I kept my mouth shut.


Hiliary 2020
Changed my mind.
If this is true than whatever you do don't give the authorities your name.
No matter what.
If you do you are setting yourself up to be blamed and that will follow you till your grave.
If it is true make an anonymos tip to the police from a public phone or a typed letter.
More than likely however the police will probably think its just someone trying tyo get even or cause another trouble.
I was bored and randomly typed in an enemy's yahoo password. I guessed correctly and got in to his account, what I found disgusted me...Tons of child porn in his email account sent folder, meaning he is in possession and as has distributed child porn. He is in the military. We both live in different states and this was in his personal email account. I want to report him but will I face federal charges as well for getting into his account and will my findings be admissable in court since the method in which I got them was illegal? (I do not work for law enforcement just a private citizen). I want to do the right thing but am afraid of the legal fallout.

You're an accessory now


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To be honest this thread smell like BS to me too. I'm having a hard time believing it because of all the things other posters have said and also because the only other thread you have started was this one-- which also has to do with people secretly viewing someone else's email.

The whole thing smells fishy to me.
A completely improbable story:

I had a female roommate in college at my first apartment, who was quite hot. I knew she had a freak side, but she hid it well. The same summer I was living with her, a random dude I worked with who did drywall and painting with me as a summer job on campus managed to hack a bunch of people's AIM histories. He mentioned a screenname and I said, "Holy shit that's my roommate!"... I felt bad but I had to look... turns out she and her best friend were swapping boyfriends willingly!! (At least once anyway)

It made things awkward when she broke up with the guy "because he wasn't right", when I knew he left her for her best friend because apparently her best friend was a better fuck. I thought if I mentioned the swap she might get suspicious, so I kept my mouth shut.

If you're a newbie with an improbable story, do like the rest and start your own thread! :mad: Just kidding bro. ;)

Will E Worm

They are going to want to know how you gained access to his email. It's not worth it.

Changed my mind.
If this is true than whatever you do don't give the authorities your name.
No matter what.
If you do you are setting yourself up to be blamed and that will follow you till your grave.
If it is true make an anonymos tip to the police from a public phone or a typed letter.
More than likely however the police will probably think its just someone trying to get even or cause another trouble.
