Good prank links?

someone pissed me off on another forum and was being a little baby and got me dun dun dunnn SUSPENDED! OHZ NOEZ! for a whole day whatever would i do!? >.> well i was on vacotion and never noticed but im wondering if any of you know of any good links i could send him (from a different profile) to get my revenge.

like a link 2 two guys sucking cock with the volume up and no way to close it? (hopefully his mom will be in the room, im pretty sure he's like 13)

btw if so please warn me. i don't want to get it stuck on my comp.


Member, you member...
Don't know of anything like that but good luck in your revenge plot.


For someone downplaying there suspension....Its weird you want revenge and its juvenile too the revenge you want. But hey if your gonna do it you may as well do it properly google for some trojans lulz. Dont open them on your own computer. Disguise link as tasty picture link on the kinda shit you notice he is posting at......Discreetly investigate thread and PM the regulars so they dont fall prey to it.

Damn I'm bored lulz.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit