Yea that was wild,the contrast in how small you are compared to Cronos is pretty neat.i haven't beaten it yet, but wow ...Cronos was wicked.
i had some honest to goodness fun with maze/level it actually made you think instead of just hitting the buttons with a timing sequencei also beat it but getting out of Hera's waterfall maze was tough.
FINALLY.... finally played about an 1hr30min. last night ...
god i miss playing this game. good thing i have the GOW collection for PS3.
now what do i do with my GoW & GoWII versions for the PS2? im trying to clean up/organize my shelf of games. do i even need the PS2 versions anymore? and should i trade them in or Ebay them?
^^^Well if you still have a PS2 I suggest putting that and some good old PS2 games up in an attic and let them gather dust, until you feel nostalgic and want to play on one of the greatest gaming consoles ever. Or go on eBay and put them up now, some people might want to play the originals to refresh their memories without realizing that there is a GOW Collection. Prey on the uninformed suckers. Trade em in if all else fails.
Beat it. Now its on to GoW 1 and 2 to refresh my memory on the previous parts of the story.
gotta go back and play it again and get all the hidden "artifacts" what does that get you if you have them all?
i may get the book so i dont need to continually run back and forth to my computer.
I wanna go back and fuck Aphrodite again! :nannerf2:
I beat it, got all the Godly Possessions in 1 playthrough. Fucking Sony needs to hurry up and send me my voucher for the DLC. They were supposed to email me at launch, but they never did.
I'm not going to spoil anything, but I will say this. WORST. ENDING. EVER. I think it ruined everything for me. Game was great though.
why? i though it did justice.
and what do you get when you have all the worldly possesions? do you get all the weapons when you restart a new game? i want to go back and get them all.
You guys know they are in production of a movie version? I can't find any links with info. Just a few places have it confirmed. GOD I hope they don't fuck it up! Looks like slated for 2010 release...
Yeah that's been in production like since God of War released in 2005. I remember the creator David Jaffe saying that he'd like Djimon Hounsou to play Kratos and people were all like "but he's black!" and Spartans are traditionally white but considering how dark Kratos was before he killed his family (people seem to forget how dark some Greeks are) and the fact that he's covered in ash I really don't think it would matter. I think he has the imposing physical presence to play Kratos. Now as far as how good the movie would be, all they have to do is follow the story and not touch anything but we know they're incapable of doing that.
that would be a good choice he almost looks like him. cover him in ash and he is perfect. i just dont think a movie is gonna be good,they fucked up resident evil.shoulda been the mansion as the first movie,exactly like the game
I dunno, as far as video game to movie remakes go, resident evil was probably the best. All the rest have been complete shit. Its sad really. Video games would translate to great movies but they always fuck with the story.
If they do a God of War movie, why not Bill Goldberg be Kratos?
I think there were a couple of good or decent ones. I liked the first and third Resident Evil movies, Tomb Raider, and Mortal Kombat. Others I think are in the category of "so bad they're good" like both Street Fighter movies, D.O.A., and the Bloodrayne movies. Then there's movies like Mortal Kombat: Annihilation, Super Mario Bros., and House of the Dead which should be burned in the fiery pits of Hell.