God of War 3 potential makes Fallout 3 dev feel faint

We're all looking forward to God of War III on PS3 here at VideoGamer.com. Our fearless leader Tom is especially excited by the prospect of taking Kratos on a Cell processor powered adventure through Hell. But it seems there's one person in the world who's more excited than everyone else, and that's Fallout 3 lead producer Gavin Carter.

Speaking on the official PlayStation website, Carter said he was most looking forward to upcoming instalments of PlayStation series that haven't seen a true next generation debut, and chief among these is God of War and Final Fantasy.

He said: "Everything I've seen on the new Final Fantasy games has looked fantastic, and I feel faint when I think of the potential of a PS3 God of War game."

High praise indeed, especially when you consider it's coming from the lead producer of a game that for many was the best of 2008.


Heh, wait until he sees the trailer David Jaffe was talking about - we'll all be blown away when we see it I bet! :D


what the fuck you lookin at?
God of war 3 is gonna blow away every other game ever made graphically speaking at least. It'll win graphics of the year for 09 I already know. Nothing else will even come close!