Anyone hitting a plateau in this gen (ps3/360) and starting to get.....

Gaming has been dumbed down, it is as simple as that. It isn't made for the hardcore gamer anymore. It is a business that is now pointed to the casual gamer. And really, as much as I would like to put the blame on Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft are just as guilty for allowing their systems to be dumbed down to this level. Look at Final Fantasy XIII. It is a part of a legendary series that is a favourite of the hardcore crowd, and look what it is. It is dumbed down for the casual crowd. There are save points everywhere, the game gives you experience points so you can have a chance to win, and the computer pretty much does everything for you already. Even something like Metal Gear Solid 4. No way am I putting down this masterpiece, but think about this; the first three games were about stealth. If you tried to gun your way through the game, it meant a quick death. Not so much in MGS4. The game is made so you can gun through it without difficulty. Why? I don't know, maybe because the makers knew that a casual gamer would be put off by the difficulty of stealth gameplay.

Couldn't agree more about FFXIII.It's so fucking dumbed down that it feels like the game is actually holding your hand and walking you from place to place with out any chance of actually explore.I hated it so much that I just traded that piece of shit in for MGS4 and KZ2.

right now i'm addicted to MAG on the ps3 ...which is probably the most underappreciated title so far this year. 128 players versus 128 players with no lag is pretty amazing ...not to mention a helluva lot of fun.

keep em coming!

It would be pretty amazing if that were actually true.Ever been shot when you clearly ran behind a wall?This game definitely has lag,but you are probably referring to the lag when the game slows down when there is a lot of stuff on the screen,as compared to the lag that I'm talking about which is a latency issue with the server,which is more annoying if you ask me.

I love MAG and have played it every single night that I've owned it,which was about the second week that it came out,but this game has big problems now.No real clan support,numerous glitches,not enough maps,no single player campaign,unbalanced maps and weapons,etc.

Now as for the main point of this thread.I don't think the problem is really the games,more than the players.You guys that are complaining are saying that there's nothing new anymore,and that's true,but then again,you guys seem to play,or have played everything under the sun.

I'm not saying that you shouldn't enjoy all the game that are offered to you,but when you've played everything,what else is there really to get excited about?

I'm just now getting into Killzone 2 and so far,I'm loving it,and it's probably because I haven't played all of the other fps out there.I've only been playing MAG and that's it,so getting into the story mode of KZ2 is easier for me to get behind.If I had been playing the Battlefield games or the COD games,I'd probably be burned out.

I'm also trying to finish Infamous,and I'm really enjoying that one as well.I already beat Prototype,and I really wanted to see how they both compared with each other.

To put is simply,you guys are bored because you've played too many games in too short of a time span.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Sure, I've played A LOT of videos, but I'm not bored, I'm just tired of playing the same thing over & over, which is far too easy, I want a challenge!
I've found myself playing games less and less. But for me I think its just growing up, not lack of quality. Before I used to spend my whole days playing games on my SNES/Ps1/Ps2 when I was in elementary/middle school. Now I only get about 4 hrs of playtime in a week and thats only if my friends wanna play Left 4 Dead or GTA or something, im too busy with college and band stuff.

Im not sure how old the rest of the members of this thread are, but im going to guess you're all in your 20's or 30's?? I think this ''plateau'' isnt a lack of quality in games but more a factor of us all growing up and moving on with our lives. My brother was a hardcore gamer in the 80's/ early 90's when I was little he used to complain about the 3rd person shooters of the Ps1 era saying that they were all the same and the new games sucked and they werent creative, he stopped playing video games and moved on with his life. The Ps1 era of games to most of us definitley did not suck since we're younger and the era had some of the best games, metal gear, FF VII, syphon filter, etc. I think we're all just going through the same phase, you're not fond of the new games that are out but those are the games that your younger siblings/cousins/kids are going to grow up with and they will have that generation to call their own just like we had the 90's. I definitley dont think theres a plateau, I just think it sucks you gotta have seperate systems to behold the greatness of this generation and play games like L4D, mass effect 1 and 2, Metal Gear4, God of War, Gears, Uncharted, Resistance, etc, etc, etc.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I've been spending the past few days playing Persona 4 for the PS2, and I think it only furthers the point that there is a plateau in gaming today. I can look back at the games that I own for PS2 and I would rather play them than any of the games I have for 360 or PS3. It seems like the overall quality of games from just a few years ago is vastly superior to that of today. Persona 4 is probably one of my favourite games of all time, and it came out near the end of the PS2's life. Taking a look at my games for PS2, I see things like Final Fantasy X, Persona 3 & 4, Metal Gear Solid 3 and Fatal Frame. On GameCube I have stuff like Tales of Symphonia and Zelda. Games that I remember pre-ordering and then staying up all night playing. I look at these games, and they just seem so much more fun than what is being released today. Maybe it is because it took the PS2/Xbox/GameCube/Dreamcast generation for the industy to create a rut in 3D gaming. Think about it; back in the days of SNES/Genesis, the industry wasn't much different. You had the classic games - stuff like Final Fantasy VI and Phantasy Star II - but you also had buckets worth of the same Mario-ripoff, just with a new coat of paint everytime. I think that's what we are starting to experience in this generation; developers are running out of creative ideas and uses for video games and are instead resorting to making generic crap, only this time with better graphics. And given Nintendo's casual approach, it makes it easy to make money with stuff like that, and so it's going to keep happening in the same way it did when video games were first introduced into the mainstream with the introduction of Mario and the NES, and (later), Sonic and the Genesis. I have a feeling that Heavy Rain will be one of the last, truely innovative and moving games that we will see in awhile. There is always going to be classics - for every piece of shovelware we get, there will be another Zelda - but until there is a new development in technology, I think it is only going to get worse. Hopefully, Project Natal will be worth it and give gamers (as well as the industry) a reason to pick up the controller again. Until then, I'm perfectly fine with games like Persona 4; games from back a few years ago when it wasn't all about looking amazing in HD or being accessible for the whole family.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I think at this point in time, speaking for myself of course, the only way ancient gameplay formulas and genres would be freshened up is a huge jump in visuals. And I'm talking new hardware, not untapped ps3 potential. Its not gonna get too much better than GoW3,uncharted or killzone. I want mind blowing CG stuff but in real time like they're talking for the next wave.Thats the only thing that will "do it for me" right now.

That's where I'm at too. GoW3 spoiled me on the graphics thing for the current gen. Nothing will surpass that game visually. Probably won't even come close to matching it. CG is really the only way to improve beyond that. Next gen better be CG. Sony and microsoft would be fuckin fools to do anything less.
I could care less for graphics, I care way more about the longevity of a game's online portion and the overall fun. I'm at a point where I barely even pay attention to graphics honestly, I just want innovation.
i think when gamers are getting bored with their games, than theyre playing games too much. Its just like any other hobby. Movies are not interesting, books are all the same, girlfriend fucks the same all the time, etc.
i think when gamers are getting bored with their games, than theyre playing games too much. Its just like any other hobby. Movies are not interesting, books are all the same, girlfriend fucks the same all the time, etc.

That's pretty much exactly what I said.There are way too many games out there for anyone that claims to be a gamer to actually get bored.