Go on take this test, it's a laugh..

kingvanilla said:
I got an....okay one...??


You are an enlightened individual, having taken on many gay traits to improve your life. However, you have gone a bit too far in some areas and may be confusing girls with your behaviour.

well at least im not ALL gay. haha :)

LMAO :glugglug: If your American i dont suppose you'll know some of the things, like what a yorkie bar is etc..
just gay enough:( that's supposed to be good...perfect balance...etc???why?? i don't get it:eek:
lucky4 said:
phew!!! i'm slightly undergay. I will still check out some chick porn just so i can re-emphasize this. :jump:

Same here. We should really try to get in touch with our lesbian side. :D