Any electric truck I get will be after I wait long enough to be confident and secure about it. Allow the people willing to take the leap of faith until there is more reliability and practicality.
I don't tow or even know how to tow. Call me a Drugstore Truck Driver. Out here everyone is playing a part.
It's not hard to tow a trailer, and learning to back up just takes a little practice, and getting used to when to cut, and when to follow the trailer. Go to a U-Haul rental place and find an empty parking lot. Drive around, and as you turn, pay attention to how the trailer tracks behind the truck. Use parking space lines as a guide and measuring device. Then when you want to start backing, line up straight in a spot, and slowly go backwards, and slowly, and slightly turn your steering wheel. You'll soon see how to get it cutting out, then how you have to follow it around. Keep doing it, and after a while, it'll just happen. Remember, the longer the WHEEL BASE, the wider the turn forward and back. The length of the trailer means less, then how far the wheels on the trailer are, from the confection to the truck, whether it be a ball and hitch, a pintel hook, or a 5hth wheel.