Giving rep

I have noticed for the last week or so that anytime that I try to give Rep to someone I get the screen telling me that I must spread around rep before giving it again to the person I am trying to give it too even if I have never given him/her rep before. Any Ideas? No problems before about a week ago. Thanks.
if you wanna give the rep to same person, make sure that you find another thread that the person you wanna give and click on the rep button...

or otherwise, don't be so bothered to give rep to another persn that doesn't reply to you at all....

spreading the repp is one of the cahrity thing so enjoy...

any better explanation, refer to the mods...tq


Retired Moderator
Basic Info.
The Rep System

The display you get was put into place to discourage abuses of the Rep system.

You must give other members Rep , before you can give the same member Rep again.

The exact number you must give out to others before you can give to the same member is a closely guarded secret :thumbsup:
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The thing is that I have tried to give rep to several different people over the last week or so and have gotten the same message each time. That is why I thought that there might be a problem. Obviously the world will not end if I don't give the little bit of rep that I can, but sometimes it is fun to do.


Retired Moderator
If your choosing the same group of people then the same principle applies.

To test this try giving Rep to someone you haven't ever given Rep to and see what happens.


Member, you member...
bubb said:
I picked out someone out of the blue and gave it a shot and it worked. Thanks for the input, I guess that I did not realize that I was staying in smaller group than I thought.
Spread the love to those posts you like and post good stuff and you'll be okey dokey.
Chedman said:
What is "rep power" anyway? What does it mean?
My understanding is that there is Rep Power and there is Rep Points. Rep Points determine how much Rep Power you have, as Rep Power is (Rep Points)/100. Rep Power is then the amount that you add to a fellow members Rep Points when you give positive rep., and half Rep Power when you give negative rep. So a member with 1000 Rep Power = 100,000 Rep Points, would with positive rep give +10 Rep Power and +1000 Rep Points.

So Rep Power is basically how much you can reward or punish someone when handing out rep. At least that's the way it seems to me from when I have recieved rep, and when I have given rep to others.
Chedman said:
What is "rep power" anyway? What does it mean?

if you eat right and work out and stay healthy you gain power!

it is just a stupid addition on all forums that really do fark all.