Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Ever feel like you or those around you need a break?
After the CCCP collapsed we in the west were supposed to live in paradise. Apparently not, now we have uber terrorists. whose evil omnipresent omnipotence is demonstrated by their invisibility.
Thatcher's dead and gone. But her ghost lives on and ensures that the NHS I pay for will soon be useless.
I went to uni, but apparently that's useless on the jobs market now.
I feel like every time I triumph, there's just a bigger mountain in the way.
Not just for me, but my country and in fact all of us.
Things never seem to get easier, only harder.
But looking at the advancements we've made (eradication of polio, etc), surely I'm just being maudelin? Thoughts?
After the CCCP collapsed we in the west were supposed to live in paradise. Apparently not, now we have uber terrorists. whose evil omnipresent omnipotence is demonstrated by their invisibility.
Thatcher's dead and gone. But her ghost lives on and ensures that the NHS I pay for will soon be useless.
I went to uni, but apparently that's useless on the jobs market now.
I feel like every time I triumph, there's just a bigger mountain in the way.
Not just for me, but my country and in fact all of us.
Things never seem to get easier, only harder.
But looking at the advancements we've made (eradication of polio, etc), surely I'm just being maudelin? Thoughts?