Thank you, Mandy, for starting this thread. It might sound weird, but in a way you should be honored that men ask your opinion on this topic. It means they not only feel comfortable sharing their insecurities with you, they also value your opinion and trust you to be honest. I, for one, respect your candor and the sensitivity with which you approach the subject (although you may run the risk of confusing your customer base who are used to Mistress Mandy dominating and humiliating her subs for their inadequacies :yummie
A couple things to consider, not just for you, but anyone:
1. I love your videos. I've seen many of them, and I can't help noticing that you seem to do pretty well with some pretty big toys. You seem to, shall we say, enjoy the big ones quite a bit. So even though I take everything you said at face value, it would seem that size *can* be a benefit for the discriminating, sexy woman. And it just so happens, this is the one thing we can't change about ourselves no matter what.
2. Along those same lines, I wouldn't go so far as to say it's sad that men can be insecure about their size. It's human nature to want what you haven't got, and many of our greatest successes have come from not being satisfied with what we were given. If we were satisfied being cold or sick then we wouldn't have harnessed fire or discovered medicine, for example. A lot of really bad stuff has also resulted from jealousy and the like, but a desire to achieve more is natural. In the case of our endowment, however, we really can't achieve anything more; it's what we're stuck with. So the same desire for something better that serves us well in cases where we really can do more is a detriment in cases where we can't, and pretty much all men - large or small - will at some point want something more, it's just in our nature.
3. I wonder how different this world would be if it was possible to look at any man on the street and immediately see how big his dick is, the same way we can tell how large a woman's breasts are under normal circumstances. I suspect the fact that it is usually obvious whether a woman is well-endowed is one reason why most women will never understand why men are insecure about penis size, viz., women have to come to terms with their bodies being on display very early on, whereas men don't have to. Women are also much more able to compare themselves to one another, and indeed, to do so openly and intimately (i.e., in close quarters, up close and personal), whereas for men, open comparisons just don't happen, at least not for straight men approximately 99.9999999% of the time.
Just wanted to throw these thoughts out there.
Once again, thank you for being so open.