So this place is a little slow at present... Figured I'd make a new thread. But then I thought "What can I make a thread about?"... well this is the best I could do (sorry). I love a hot chick playing a nice guitar (especially if she's GOOD AT IT). So post pictures of female musicians doing something I continually try and fail at. I'm assuming this will likely just turn into a "Pictures of hot chicks holding guitars" thread, so you might as well just post those as well. I suppose pictures of musicians you find hot are acceptable as well. Anyways, here's a few chicks who rock my balls with their guitars:
[NOBABE]PJ Harvey[/NOBABE] with her Gibson Firebird
Liz Buckingham of Electric Wizard with a Gibson SG (tuned to C, which quickly fills my wiener with blood)
Laura Pleasants from Kylesa prety much only plays Goldtop Les Pauls
[NOBABE]PJ Harvey[/NOBABE] with her Gibson Firebird
Liz Buckingham of Electric Wizard with a Gibson SG (tuned to C, which quickly fills my wiener with blood)
Laura Pleasants from Kylesa prety much only plays Goldtop Les Pauls