My girl of 8 years just broke up with me saying she fell out of love a few months ago.
What pushed it over the edge, she says, was a recent pregnancy scare. She turned out to be not pregnant but told me that she would have had an abortion if she was (since I could not support them on my $500/week salary)...
I've broken up with girls (and they have broken up with me too) in the past but this hit really hard. I have never had suicidal thoughts but wow, this hurts...I've never felt this kind of pain before.
Scotch. It burns on the way down. It burns in your belly. It burns away the other burning reality you're feeling. Drink. DRINK NOW!
Then, when you're nice and drunk.. never, EVER drunk dial. Anyone. Ever.
Play video games, watch old movies. Pass the time with as little masturbation and thinking as possible. Only time can sort that bullshit out and time does not require you to actively sort that shit out right now.
There is no striking while the iron is hot, it's over.. for the moment. If anyone starts it up again, it'll be HER. Never you. Give her time to miss you, give her time to think about it. In the meantime you need to recover. If she calls you, dont act independent, dont act too angry. Act homesick. She is the comfort known as home.. and
You Miss it. You're confused, but not helpless.
In short.. life is a game. Know how to play it. And when you're not playing it, drink your old memories away lest they influence the new ones. You dont want BAGGAGE, do ya?!?
Seriously tho.. I know it hurts. I've been there numerous times with girlfriends, family, money.. life is fucking heartache. It's bullshit that doesnt let up. That's why you never give in. On your deathbed you should flick off G_d and say fuck you to everyone who isnt there at your side. DONT GIVE IN!
BTW, if you're anywhere near Fishers, Indiana.. stop by and I'll help you with that drowning the sorrows bit.