German 'Sexy Cora'- The hottest beauty ever

Re: German 'Sexy Cora' - the most beautiful girl ever!

You know, I gotta admit... tats of that quantity are normally a huge turn off for me, but those are really beautiful. She has an exceptional artist working on her.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Re: German 'Sexy Cora' - the most beautiful girl ever!

Definitely not a fan of the tats. Her body looks pretty good (minus the fake boobs), but her face is nothing special. I wouldn't kick her out of bed if the lights were off...
Re: German 'Sexy Cora' - the most beautiful girl ever!

Looks hot to me :thumbsup: :yesyes:
Re: German 'Sexy Cora' - the most beautiful girl ever!

Call him names if you want, but there are plenty of people who might question your sexual preference, or at the very least, your taste, when you find women attractive after they mark themselves up in such a way that they look like hardcore bikers or lifetime prison inmates. Yeah, that's real classy.

Everyone has their own preferences, and just because they don't like what you like, it doesn't make them a retard pal. Just because you like women who resemble skanky, lowlife guys, I'm not going to condone you for it. It's just what you like. I personally like women who look like women. Different strokes for different folks.

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
Re: German 'Sexy Cora' - the most beautiful girl ever!

So a noob goes and bumps another noobs thread on a completely subjective topic, of which there are hundreds, just so he can call someone else a retard. That's fuckin brilliant.