German ponstar Sexy Cora dies

Obviously all surgeries carry risks but medical operations are carried out in hospitals where the staff are highly experienced and if anything goes wrong the Accident & Emergency (ER) room is onsite. Problem with these cosmetic surgeries is that they are carried out in private clinics and the staff may not be as highly trained and more likely to make grave errors like not supplying enough oxygen, when I had an op in hospital back in 2009 there must've been over 10 staff involved each making sure they are all doing everything right so chances of any mistakes is virtually zero. Chances are these clinical procedures involve 2-3 people and if something goes horrible wrong the patient needs to be transported to a hospital for the adequate treatment and every second counts when being deprived of oxygen. We still don't know whether having 6 ops by the age of 23 was a factor or it was just human error on the surgeons part and would've made no difference if this had been her first op. A tragic end for a beautiful maybe insecure young lady.
RIP Cora.

Honestly who the hell gets plastic surgery in Europe? No offense Euros but if you want the best boob jobs and other vanity work go to Miami or LA not freakin Europe.
kinda sad :crying: :( she was too young too die. may she rip
Surgeons are like watchmakers, mechanics and bankers if you are not selective you will fell on a bad one. The best breast surgeon is here I know some women who went to him and they were very very happy with the results.


Hiliary 2020
i did a search for her.
she made a video where she was in a hospital, a guy put her under and had sex with her while she was out cold.

thats nuts.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
RIP Cora.

Honestly who the hell gets plastic surgery in Europe? No offense Euros but if you want the best boob jobs and other vanity work go to Miami or LA not freakin Europe.

Yeah, people never die getting plastic surgery in L.A. - especially not Beverly Hills (and as of Dec. 28, 2010 - he was still practicing!). ;) I don't think there's any debate that a person can find a quack doctor or get bad results anywhere.

Anyway, I think a better question is, who the hell gets six plastic surgeries by the time they're 23, unless they're battling cancer or a (real) deformity??? Like I said, I'd never heard of her before opening this thread. But she clearly had some "issues" from what I've read here.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
R.I.P. Sexy Cora.. all I got to say is, its a got damn shame that she died trying to install fake tits!! :facepalm: which is ridiculous in the 1st place!!! fake tits suck, always will suck, and now if the moron installing them fucks up he can kill you if not installed correctly.. thats truly a fuckin shame.. IMHO there is nothing wrong with petite and natural... girls bigger tits don't mean better looking.. :2 cents:
Sexy Cora Dies

Bigger Not Better: Porn Star Dies After Breast EnlargementJan 21, 2011 – 5:20 PM
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A German porn star went into a coma and died after undergoing her sixth breast enlargement.

Carolin Berger, who used the stage name "Cora" in adult films, underwent the cosmetic surgery in an attempt to boost her popularity, the Daily Mail reported today.

The 23-year-old blond beauty was in a medically induced coma for nine days before dying Thursday from complications following a surgery to increase her chest size from 34F to 34G.

Sonja Calvert / dpa / Corbis
Carolin Berger, a 23-year-old German adult film star who went by the name "Cora," died following her sixth breast enlargement surgery. The starlet, photographed here while on the 10th season of "Big Brother," died Thursday.Berger had become well known to the public after appearing last year on the German version of the reality show "Big Brother," according to the BBC. Over several episodes her behavior became more wild, including one episode in which she stripped topless and flirted with another cast member.

Reports indicate she suffered two heart attacks after going under the knife for the cosmetic surgery in a Hamburg clinic. Her family was told she went without oxygen for 15 minutes during the procedure.

Fans started a memorial page to the tattoo-covered starlet on Facebook, and it had attracted more than 4,700 members by this afternoon.

"Only the good die young," Thurston Fuchs, a Canadian living in Germany, wrote on the tribute page. "R.I.P. Cora."

The surgeon and anesthesiologist who led the operation on Bergen are under investigation by local prosecutors, according to reports.

Her quest for fame and glory in skin flicks caused medical problems for her in 2009. Bergen was rushed to the hospital with breathing difficulties after attempting to set a world record for consecutive sex acts, the Sun reported then.


Hiliary 2020
in all the german articles its written that this is subject of police investigation;

oh ok, didn't know.
just keep in mind steroids are no magic drug.
the men you see who are huge are taking huge doses of several different kinds and eating tons of food plus lifting very heavy.

she was tone, but i can't see why a women who made a living out of being feminine would take a drug that makes her look masculine.
to me thats a non issue but many people hear the word steroid and theyre brains start acting up.
Yeah, people never die getting plastic surgery in L.A. - especially not Beverly Hills (and as of Dec. 28, 2010 - he was still practicing!). ;) I don't think there's any debate that a person can find a quack doctor or get bad results anywhere.

Anyway, I think a better question is, who the hell gets six plastic surgeries by the time they're 23, unless they're battling cancer or a (real) deformity??? Like I said, I'd never heard of her before opening this thread. But she clearly had some "issues" from what I've read here.

Would you agree that the risk is greater in Germany for a clusterfuck than a top notch Hollywood plastic surgeon who's done hundreds if not thousands of successful ops?

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Would you agree that the risk is greater in Germany for a clusterfuck than a top notch Hollywood plastic surgeon who's done hundreds if not thousands of successful ops?

To be honest, I don't know enough about the plastic surgery industry in Germany to make that assumption. I'm just saying that there are quacks no matter where you go. But maybe you're right. My guess is there are a LOT more plastic surgeons per capita in SoCal than in Germany. But if you go to a quack in either place, you're probably screwed.

Does anyone know if Cora was one of these "plastic surgery addicts" that you sometimes hear about? Not to get off topic, but there was an interview with one of Bernie Madoff's victims... an ex-model. I read that she'd had 14 plastic surgeries (looked like most of them were on her face) and that woman looked down right scary! Especially since she's dead, I'm not trying to dog her or anything. But Cora looked like she was already going overboard, IMO. It makes you wonder what these women see in the mirror that makes them keep getting cut on. I just don't get it... :dunno:
Sexy Cora is for ever gone

The most beautiful girl in the world, the German pornstar 'Sexy Cora' is for ever gone. She died in Hamburg during an doctor tried in an sixth step to raise up her breast from an F- cup to an G- cup. Wishing her in another world, wherever she is, only the best. My mind is with her every time. Love her for ever. Bye, bye Cora!


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Bronze Member
Carolin Wosnitza aka 'Sexy Cora' was buried yesterday, February 2nd. The coffin was pink, and there were many fans around. She was only 23 years old.

Some more insight on a CBS website:

Thge really sad thing is that the website that features her videos etc features a video with the story where she rises from the grave as a zombie and performs oral sex. And all the other material is still onlone.

And you still can have webcam-sex on that site, for 99 cents per minute. I must say that does not feel right, at least for me.

And there is a line that annoys the hell out of me:

"Wir werden alle Projekte von Cora im Sinne von 'Sexy Cora' weiter führen, um ihr Lebenswerk, das gerade noch am wachsen war, am Leben zu erhalten und ihren Namen und ihr Werk noch viele Jahre unvergesslich zu machen"

('We will lead on all Cora's projects the way she wants it, to keep her life's work alive, that was just beginning to grow, and keep her name and her body of work unforgotten.')
Certainly a sad story, you don't want to see anyone die, but.....fucking F wasn't big enough? You had to have another operation to make them G's? Do you not understand how fucking huge F tits are in the first place?! WTF! LOL. Seriously how stupid can you get? There was nobody in her life to tell her to fucking chill the fuck out? Even if I was some greasy suitcase pimp, I think I would have that sense. Fuckin hell. She probably should make the next Darwin awards nomination list. Carry on.