George Zimmerman Found Not Guilty


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
I guess I feel the need to vent about this for some reason. But seriously, if you were in a fight with someone and they were slamming your head into the concrete, would you not feel threatened and afraid for your life? I fucking would. And how can anyone else but Zimmerman know how he felt at that moment? When you feel your life is at stake, human nature is to use the means necessary to protect yourself. Now, I am the first to admit that I hate guns. I think the second amendment is crap to some extent. But if I had a gun and someone started kicking my ass, how can I say that I wouldn't use it, especially before they used it on me?

And I truly believe that this shows how disrespectful and out of hand this generation of teens/kids has become. My mother was a kindergarten teacher for 44 years before she had her heart attack and retired. I couldn't believe the stories that she had of kids cussing at her, spitting on her and other children, threatening to stab the bus driver...these are 5 year olds! 30 years ago when I was that age, sure there may have been a problem child or two but not nearly as many as she had in recent years. Look at the crazy asshole kids who were responsible for Columbine. Just because someone isn't legally an adult does not mean they are an innocent child. Why didn't Martin say something like," Hey man, I'm just heading back to my friend's house, it's cool"? Instead, he became violent. My significant other is the community director at an large apartment complex and there's quite a few kids who live there, all ages. You should hear how they speak to him when he disciplines them or tells them not to do something. It's absolutely ridiculous.

I have a lot of stories from my day of being a CO. I've been through riots, runaways, and psychotic episodes. There was one though that I'll never forget.

There was this chick, 13 or 14 years old. She wasn't huge, but she was strong. She could be sweet, or she could be the devil child. And when she was the devil child, somehow I always got assigned to deal with her (probably because I wasn't afraid of the kids).

Now, this was a sort of wilderness camp. The whole premises of therapy is "parenting" the kids since most of them had shit parents and the theory was that they wanted rules and order. This meant we didn't have any fences and we didn't use mechanical restraints (like a restraint chair or handcuffs). Instead, we'd follow the kids around closely and if they started to become a danger to themselves or others, we put them in a physical restraint. The motto was "the least amount of force necessary to control the situation".

So, I'd been chasing and following the girl for a few hours. She made it to the staff parking lot (we had to try to redirect them back to where they were supposed to be without putting our hands on them at the time) and started throwing rocks at the cars. It was about this point that I had enough. It was fucking hot, I was on hour 17 or so, I had spent a shitty night in one of the barracks the kids slept in because we were short staff and the facility needed staff there (even sleeping) to fullfill the required staff to kid ratio. So I took her down. It wasn't gentle because I was getting pissed.

The chief of the camp and I each had an arm and she was on her stomach. Now, since this was florida, I had shorts on. The little bitch turned her head and bit into my quad and wouldn't let go. I used the bite release technique we were taught. No go. I tried plugging her nose so she'd have to loosen up her jaw to try to breath. No go. It fucking hurt and she was biting deep. Least amount of force necessary to control the situation it was.

I grabbed her nappy ass hair and started beating her head on the ground. There was blood from my leg and her head splattering everywhere. She wasn't letting go. Her therapist came down and was getting pissed because I was "hurting" the girl. I can remember through gritted teeth I said, "Least fucking amount of fucking force to control the fucking situation."

Well, after beating her bloody the thing that ended up getting her to let go of my leg was the camp chief damn near dislocating her arm.

So, after having to go to the hospital and get shots, do the aids cocktail, and all that good stuff, I got called into court as a witness for the prosecutor. The state decided to go ahead and press charges for this because of the violence of the situation against a CO/staff member. Instead of getting on the stand and just acting calm, sweet, and trying to win over the judge this kid started calling me all sorts of names, the judge, the judge's mother...oooh that wasn't pretty.

Anyways, the point of this is THIS is what kids have become. For 5 years I was working with 70+ little shit heads at any given time that had zero respect for authority, their parents, or anyone else in the world. Fuck, most of them didn't even have respect for themselves. I realize that I saw the worst of the worst, but I look around me and even here in the Netherlands, I see the same shit head disrespectful attitude. I see kids telling their parents how it's going to be instead of it being the other way around. Parents are SCARED of their OWN kids FFS. They should all have the "I brought you into this world and I can take you out again" attitude but I guess they're all afraid of CPS or the government getting involved.

And, this all leads to situations like this case. It's not about race. It's about shithead kids who needed to have respect beat into them.
This thread makes administrators and moderators look stupid; they protect OCSMs but let board members get away with racist comments. I am a member of several defense forums which have many Sam Fisher like members. The two forums have ultra nationalistic members from around the world and they are ruleless.

Outstanding post, Petra! Thanks for sharing.



well now i don't think you know what brain farts are :)

My thoughts? 1) I think that yet another family didn't get the justice they deserved under the judicial process. 2) I think a man who admittedly killed an unarmed minor got to go home and be with HIS family. 3) I think the owners of guns are even more aware of the advantage and the power they wield over unarmed citizens. 4) I think you can officially pick fights with unarmed people (of any age), cry self defense when they defend themselves, and pull the trigger...

Your post...
I count 4.

Lol I didn't say you couldn't count; just that you didn't know what brain farts were.

OK, I see where you're going. Pretend to not see what has been written, and keep on posting stupid claims of silly things like 4) I think you can officially pick fights with unarmed people (of any age), cry self defense when they defend themselves, and pull the trigger....
You have an obvious problem with reading comprehension, so I'll type as slowly as I can. TRY to keep up...
You are an idiot on purpose. I get it.
You weren't able to keep up with normal smart enough folks, so the top being too hard to reach, you opted for the bottom. Well within your grasp, indeed.
And you think that's cool...
YOU...are basically a "brain fart." OK so far? Your ideas are stupid and silly, all at the same time. They have already been put out there, dealt with, and even the slower posters have moved on, for the most part.
You may now continue to try your method on the thread...although you have made it almost to the bottom of the heap, so there's not much left to do .
You are the No.1 contender for site AssTool, in competition with Fruityryan and Nastywhore6...stiff competition!:sleep:


Slor2PQ.gif so harsh!
Oh, expression. Gotta love it!

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
My wife is a social worker..or was, now she's a director. She used to work with the mentally ill. No one violent, but defiant, and some poop flingers. She has had shit thrown at her, LITERALLY! Now she works with veterans, many of whom, are fucked up in the head, because lets face it, war will do that to a man, it can also turn you into a drug addict. You get hurt, they give you meds, you get hooked, it's not uncommon, and it's a damn shame that's what happens to our soldiers.

I told you that, to tell you this.

The place my wife works, has a temporary residence, for vets that need to get back on their feet, and get back into society, the two big rules are, no guns, no drugs. Many come there with guns, and willingly find a friend, or family member to hold on to it, they're never taken permanently, unless the person isn't allowed to have them. Drugs on the other hand, are a little different.. When you're supposed to take meds for mental illness, they can clash with recreational drugs, which are the ones that aren't allowed. If they're caught, out they go.

The woman, that is my wife's boss, replaced a woman, that had to evict a resident that habitually disregarded the rules, and when he broke the last straw, and was served with eviction papers, found himself a hatchet, and hacked her to death in her office, in front of everyone. The police shot and killed him outside the building, in the street...the station is less then a half of a mile on the same street, same side. This place STILL does not have any armed security, nor does it allow it's employees to carry concealed...for obvious reasons, but still...hire a professional security firm. Thankfully, she's looking for another job. She never told me this going in...for obvious reasons.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
And I truly believe that this shows how disrespectful and out of hand this generation of teens/kids has become. My mother was a kindergarten teacher for 44 years before she had her heart attack and retired. I couldn't believe the stories that she had of kids cussing at her, spitting on her and other children, threatening to stab the bus driver...these are 5 year olds! 30 years ago when I was that age, sure there may have been a problem child or two but not nearly as many as she had in recent years. Look at the crazy asshole kids who were responsible for Columbine. Just because someone isn't legally an adult does not mean they are an innocent child. Why didn't Martin say something like," Hey man, I'm just heading back to my friend's house, it's cool"? Instead, he became violent. My significant other is the community director at an large apartment complex and there's quite a few kids who live there, all ages. You should hear how they speak to him when he disciplines them or tells them not to do something. It's absolutely ridiculous.

Anyways, the point of this is THIS is what kids have become. For 5 years I was working with 70+ little shit heads at any given time that had zero respect for authority, their parents, or anyone else in the world. Fuck, most of them didn't even have respect for themselves. I realize that I saw the worst of the worst, but I look around me and even here in the Netherlands, I see the same shit head disrespectful attitude. I see kids telling their parents how it's going to be instead of it being the other way around. Parents are SCARED of their OWN kids FFS. They should all have the "I brought you into this world and I can take you out again" attitude but I guess they're all afraid of CPS or the government getting involved.

And, this all leads to situations like this case. It's not about race. It's about shithead kids who needed to have respect beat into them.

I don't want to discount your experiences, because I've also worked with the youth for a number of years and I know these sorts are out there. You have to keep some perspective, though; the sentiment you're expressing has been expressed by just about every generation, ever. The facts of the matter is that juvenile crime has been decreasing for almost twenty years.

I remember my own kindergarten experience 20 years ago also being comparatively close to tranquil, compared to what I dealt with working with kindergartners. I also remember a few of my middle school classmates getting put away for rape, arson, and murder before the end of high school. They've always been there - and while they may get reported on more often and we certainly notice more as we get older, things aren't actually getting worse.

Maggie Green

Official Checked Star Member
I'm not talking about juvenile crime. I'm talking about kids having no respect for adults these days...yes, that has definitely gotten worse. It seems parents today are teaching their kids that they are the only ones who can discipline them..and then they don't do it.

Maggie Green

Official Checked Star Member
I have a lot of stories from my day of being a CO. I've been through riots, runaways, and psychotic episodes. There was one though that I'll never forget.

There was this chick, 13 or 14 years old. She wasn't huge, but she was strong. She could be sweet, or she could be the devil child. And when she was the devil child, somehow I always got assigned to deal with her (probably because I wasn't afraid of the kids).

Now, this was a sort of wilderness camp. The whole premises of therapy is "parenting" the kids since most of them had shit parents and the theory was that they wanted rules and order. This meant we didn't have any fences and we didn't use mechanical restraints (like a restraint chair or handcuffs). Instead, we'd follow the kids around closely and if they started to become a danger to themselves or others, we put them in a physical restraint. The motto was "the least amount of force necessary to control the situation".

So, I'd been chasing and following the girl for a few hours. She made it to the staff parking lot (we had to try to redirect them back to where they were supposed to be without putting our hands on them at the time) and started throwing rocks at the cars. It was about this point that I had enough. It was fucking hot, I was on hour 17 or so, I had spent a shitty night in one of the barracks the kids slept in because we were short staff and the facility needed staff there (even sleeping) to fullfill the required staff to kid ratio. So I took her down. It wasn't gentle because I was getting pissed.

The chief of the camp and I each had an arm and she was on her stomach. Now, since this was florida, I had shorts on. The little bitch turned her head and bit into my quad and wouldn't let go. I used the bite release technique we were taught. No go. I tried plugging her nose so she'd have to loosen up her jaw to try to breath. No go. It fucking hurt and she was biting deep. Least amount of force necessary to control the situation it was.

I grabbed her nappy ass hair and started beating her head on the ground. There was blood from my leg and her head splattering everywhere. She wasn't letting go. Her therapist came down and was getting pissed because I was "hurting" the girl. I can remember through gritted teeth I said, "Least fucking amount of fucking force to control the fucking situation."

Well, after beating her bloody the thing that ended up getting her to let go of my leg was the camp chief damn near dislocating her arm.

So, after having to go to the hospital and get shots, do the aids cocktail, and all that good stuff, I got called into court as a witness for the prosecutor. The state decided to go ahead and press charges for this because of the violence of the situation against a CO/staff member. Instead of getting on the stand and just acting calm, sweet, and trying to win over the judge this kid started calling me all sorts of names, the judge, the judge's mother...oooh that wasn't pretty.

Anyways, the point of this is THIS is what kids have become. For 5 years I was working with 70+ little shit heads at any given time that had zero respect for authority, their parents, or anyone else in the world. Fuck, most of them didn't even have respect for themselves. I realize that I saw the worst of the worst, but I look around me and even here in the Netherlands, I see the same shit head disrespectful attitude. I see kids telling their parents how it's going to be instead of it being the other way around. Parents are SCARED of their OWN kids FFS. They should all have the "I brought you into this world and I can take you out again" attitude but I guess they're all afraid of CPS or the government getting involved.

And, this all leads to situations like this case. It's not about race. It's about shithead kids who needed to have respect beat into them.

Wow Petra! I can't even imagine! Great post and thanks for sharing that story!


Staff member
I have a lot of stories from my day of being a CO. I've been through riots, runaways, and psychotic episodes. There was one though that I'll never forget.

There was this chick, 13 or 14 years old. She wasn't huge, but she was strong. She could be sweet, or she could be the devil child. And when she was the devil child, somehow I always got assigned to deal with her (probably because I wasn't afraid of the kids).

Now, this was a sort of wilderness camp. The whole premises of therapy is "parenting" the kids since most of them had shit parents and the theory was that they wanted rules and order. This meant we didn't have any fences and we didn't use mechanical restraints (like a restraint chair or handcuffs). Instead, we'd follow the kids around closely and if they started to become a danger to themselves or others, we put them in a physical restraint. The motto was "the least amount of force necessary to control the situation".

So, I'd been chasing and following the girl for a few hours. She made it to the staff parking lot (we had to try to redirect them back to where they were supposed to be without putting our hands on them at the time) and started throwing rocks at the cars. It was about this point that I had enough. It was fucking hot, I was on hour 17 or so, I had spent a shitty night in one of the barracks the kids slept in because we were short staff and the facility needed staff there (even sleeping) to fullfill the required staff to kid ratio. So I took her down. It wasn't gentle because I was getting pissed.

The chief of the camp and I each had an arm and she was on her stomach. Now, since this was florida, I had shorts on. The little bitch turned her head and bit into my quad and wouldn't let go. I used the bite release technique we were taught. No go. I tried plugging her nose so she'd have to loosen up her jaw to try to breath. No go. It fucking hurt and she was biting deep. Least amount of force necessary to control the situation it was.

I grabbed her nappy ass hair and started beating her head on the ground. There was blood from my leg and her head splattering everywhere. She wasn't letting go. Her therapist came down and was getting pissed because I was "hurting" the girl. I can remember through gritted teeth I said, "Least fucking amount of fucking force to control the fucking situation."

Well, after beating her bloody the thing that ended up getting her to let go of my leg was the camp chief damn near dislocating her arm.

So, after having to go to the hospital and get shots, do the aids cocktail, and all that good stuff, I got called into court as a witness for the prosecutor. The state decided to go ahead and press charges for this because of the violence of the situation against a CO/staff member. Instead of getting on the stand and just acting calm, sweet, and trying to win over the judge this kid started calling me all sorts of names, the judge, the judge's mother...oooh that wasn't pretty.

Anyways, the point of this is THIS is what kids have become. For 5 years I was working with 70+ little shit heads at any given time that had zero respect for authority, their parents, or anyone else in the world. Fuck, most of them didn't even have respect for themselves. I realize that I saw the worst of the worst, but I look around me and even here in the Netherlands, I see the same shit head disrespectful attitude. I see kids telling their parents how it's going to be instead of it being the other way around. Parents are SCARED of their OWN kids FFS. They should all have the "I brought you into this world and I can take you out again" attitude but I guess they're all afraid of CPS or the government getting involved.

And, this all leads to situations like this case. It's not about race. It's about shithead kids who needed to have respect beat into them.

One of the best posts I have read for a while, thanks:clap::thumbsup:


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
I'm not talking about juvenile crime. I'm talking about kids having no respect for adults these days...yes, that has definitely gotten worse. It seems parents today are teaching their kids that they are the only ones who can discipline them..and then they don't do it.

Exactly. There's this whole generation of parents who want to be their kid's friend, or who are scared that if they discipline their kids someone will turn them into CPS. Sadly, "well meaning" busy bodies to tend to be trigger happy and call CPS the moment that they see a parent disciplining their child. I'm not even talking actual abuse, I'm talking about sending the kid to bed without dessert (yes, this actually got CPS called on some parents I knew) or swatting the kid's ass for being an asshole.

My cousin is one of "those" parents. She will sit her kids on the naughty step or try to reason with a 2 year old. She goes on and on about how those are the two most loving sisters ever, but as soon as she turns her back the older one is kicking or hitting the crap out of the younger one. If anyone disciplines them, my cousin cuts them out of her life because her "special little snowflakes" would never ever do anything like that to each other. My aunt has had to back off and hold her tongue because my cousin almost banished her from the grandkids since my aunt swatted the older grandchild on the butt for hitting the snot out of the younger. o-0

So yea, with pansy assed permissible parents, kids aren't stupid and know they can get away with murder. Hell, I know several people's kids who just go take credits cards or money from purses and wallets without asking because their parents don't believe in punishing them for it. Then the parents sit around and whine about it to me "I just don't know what to do with "insert special snowflake's name here".

Wow Petra! I can't even imagine! Great post and thanks for sharing that story!

One of the best posts I have read for a while, thanks:clap::thumbsup:

Remind me to start a thread with stories from my time working at that company. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times... LOL


I hear the snowflakes falling!

It is and has always been about cause and life, in physics, and especially with an adaptive survival driven life form...children.
Beating kids teaches them many things, usually not good...but an earned whupping shows the result of the action to be avoided or rethought in the future.
If it's fair, the lesson continues on to right and wrong as a choice, and consequences follow all choices in life.


We only heard Zimmerman's account of the incident, so don't jump to misguided conclusions about Martin's actions.

Zims account is close enough to be a good fit to all the background info...Martin was growing into a gangsta and may have done something different later in his life, but he made a bad choice and lost the game.
It doesn't matter anymore, Zim was attacked and he shot his attacker.
Zim-1, Martin-0.
Zims account is close enough to be a good fit to all the background info...Martin was growing into a gangsta and may have done something different later in his life, but he made a bad choice and lost the game.
It doesn't matter anymore, Zim was attacked and he shot his attacker.
Zim-1, Martin-0.

Zimmerman may have threatened Martin before the attack. A different jury may have convicted Zimmerman, but he's a free man. You have not been around many black 17 year olds.


Zimmerman may have threatened Martin before the attack. A different jury may have convicted Zimmerman, but he's a free man. You have not been around many black 17 year olds.

Too have low judgement skills, I take it.
Just throw something out there to see if it sticks?

Maybe it was The Elders of Zion, they set this up and the Jews still control us all.

Maybe Zim was a Satanic Mechanic, found a target, and chased him down while chanting backwards Beatles songs.
(My favorite is "turn me on, deadman.")
Too have low judgement skills, I take it.
Just throw something out there to see if it sticks?

Maybe it was The Elders of Zion, they set this up and the Jews still control us all.

Maybe Zim was a Satanic Mechanic, found a target, and chased him down while chanting backwards Beatles songs.
(My favorite is "turn me on, deadman.")

I have been deployed to Iraqi and Afghanistan and I have survived, so my judgement skills are far above average. And stop kissing Zimmerman's ass.


I have been deployed to Iraqi and Afghanistan and I have survived, so my judgement skills are far above average. And stop kissing Zimmerman's ass.

Kissing Zims ass? Good retort...

I also have been to the Hindu Kush; how is Balkh (in Mazar-i-Sharif) making out?
Of course, I was there without a support structure like you had to feed you and keep you outa trouble.
But the Bamiyan Buddhas were amazing, before the Taliban blew them.

Your judgement skills still suck.
Kissing Zims ass? Good retort...

I also have been to the Hindu Kush; how is Balkh (in Mazar-i-Sharif) making out?
Of course, I was there without a support structure like you had to feed you and keep you outa trouble.
But the Bamiyan Buddhas were amazing, before the Taliban blew them.

Your judgement skills still suck.

Many members on this board know that you' re a jackass. You were not doing humanitarian work, so I don't care about your trip. Do not disrespect the U. S. Military!