George Zimmerman Found Not Guilty

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
That is EXACTLY what you are doing! Blaming the teenager for Zimmerman actions of not listening to the dispatcher and following him.

After reading your posts, I doubt your kid would act much different.

Well of course I'm blaming the teenager for Zimmerman's actions! Zimmerman defended himself against a assault FROM THE TEENAGER!! Of course it's Martin's fault. A dispatcher has NO AUTHORITY to instruct people. They will tell you not to stay on the phone with them, so they can record the call, and use it against ARE NOT required to do as they tell you.

My kid would act different. He would've used his phone to call the police, instead of texting his friend, and using racial slurs against someone that's just trying to make the area he lives in safer.

You are just sad and clueless...isn't there a tree somewhere you should be giving a big warm hug too.
I can't really argue all of that. I think that was discussed during the trial. It looks like the Federal Government is spending time and money to see if Zimmerman's actions were racially motivated. Is it appropriate.? Might be a good discussion.

One thing I will strongly argue, Al Sharpton is a racist opportunist that serves only himself. When I see him fall on an issue, if he is the main driver, I tend to migrate quickly to the other side.
I"m more of a Twizzlers guy.
This case was blown way out of proportion. As much as they deny it, they deliberately turned it into a race issue so that they could convict zimmerman. They used the media to their advantage and still failed. I mean just the other day a child was beaten to death, wheres the headlines for that? SMH at Treyvons parents, fkn disgusting.


I can see it now...gangs of "yuts" running all over the area clutching copies of the New Black Pussies Zim Wanted poster...I'm sure several have heard net rumors that the re-ward is a million Dollahs for ded Zim.
Of course they will wear pulled up hoodies so people will mistake them for fat middle aged legislators and not thugs hiding their faces to avoid video.
Of course those residents with nice wheels and high-Dollah sound systems in their cars have to expect stripped cars, increased breakins, some home invasion, and the usual gang activity.
We ain't talking the Boy Scouts here.
Travel in groups, don't go out at night, and hope if shit starts it's Zim who shows up.

They'll run like Ms. Jentel going to Golden Corral with a coupon!


Don't count on admission to Hell, this may earn you an all-rides Pass to a Demon Amusement a Top Attraction.

(Right up there with Dead Baby jokes...a rather appropriate comparison, don'tcha think?):stir:

:rofl: That Pulp Fiction reference...ouch!
I bought some Skittles the other day. I never had them before. They were good. No one ever say Treyvon died for nothing. I pushed aside and discarded the purple ones to make the rainbow perfect.


A hate crime!

They can tack on an additional 10 years to the death sentence.
Unless you are far more gullible than I suspect you are Johan, you would not have picked him up that night. The overwhelming majority of people would not have picked someone up who was loitering in the rain at night wearing a hoodie.

I'm white. If I was looking into windows and garages of properties that night in the rain wearing a hoody I am certain GZ would have treated me exactly the same as TM that night. Maybe being an inner city kid I view this case differently though, since I have been pulled over for no reason because I fit descriptions before, despite being white.

And contrary to conclusions many people have jumped to regarding GZ's racial premeditation regarding TM and the comments he made, the tapes most people have heard were doctored.

I hope Zimmerman sues NBC into the red for their racial instigation in this case. NBC should be ashamed of their grossly premeditated motives and racial baiting in this whole fiasco. Then again NBC's shameless sister organization hired that piece of shit Sharpton to sling his shit every week so I should not be surprised.
What it really comes down to is faith in the jury system. Facts as they are established in trial are not facts as they are established in the media. Its dangerous to get caught up in any high profile case, there are too many opinions between reality and the public ear.
I had to laugh at Obama when the other day he said something about the experiences black men have like hearing car doors lock when they walk by. Well guess what Mr. President! It happens to us white people too! I will often walk to the little convenience store about a mile and a half up the road from my house and I enjoy the exercise. About two days before Obama gave his impromptu White House comments I was walking to the store wearing a pair of board shorts and a t-shirt. There was a woman sitting in her car at a parking lot using the phone or something and I heard the *click* from her locking her doors. While I guess I could have taken offense and if I were dressed in my usual attire for work it may not have happened I wasn't, as that is exactly what I would have wanted my wife or daughter to do if a stranger came by them and they were alone.

It is amazing however how differently people treat you if you are wearing a suit and how they treat you when you are wearing something like jeans and a t-shirt.

I have gone to the same store in the same day wearing a shirt and tie and I get the "How are you sir!" And go back later in the day for a " yes can I help you?"