For many of us the approach to this story has not been influenced by the focus on race, rather by a perception of right vs wrong.
Even as a gun owner, member of the NRA, supporter of the castle doctrine and a one time concealed weapons permit holder myself, I would agree with that. Martin's race
may have had something to do with why Zimmerman was following Martin - I don't know. And Zimmerman's race (and/or Martin's)
may have had something to do with why he wasn't initially charged by the Sanford police (given past allegations and complaints about that dept.) - I don't know. All I know is, in a similar situation, not being a police officer, armed or unarmed, I would
not have exited my vehicle and tried to take on the persona of a law enforcement officer. That much I do know. So when someone else apparently does, at least to me, something smells funny about a shooting that results from that. And I don't care if the shooter was purple and the victim was hot pink.
Whether from the media, people like Jesse Jackson or neo-Nazis, I agree with you that the focus SHOULD be on right vs. wrong, and not so much on race. But for those here who don't seem to understand, "Hispanic" is not a racial category. So if Zimmerman is not White, then what is he? Maybe mixed race, but that would be about it. So either the media should not mention Zimmerman's race, or if they do, identifying him as "White" or a "White Hispanic" seems correct. There are "White Hispanics" (like my ex-fiancee), "Black Hispanics" (Vanessa del Rio, for instance) and given the number of Japanese in Peru, I suppose one could even have "Asian Hispanics".
As for the fascination with this case, every year gives us another anchor case (for lack of a better term), doesn't it? Was Caley Anthony the ONLY baby in America who was murdered a couple of years ago? How about Natalie Holloway? No other teen girls went missing that year? And the big one... around the same time that Nicole Brown-Simpson was murdered, a Puerto Rican woman was gang-raped atop an apartment building in New York. When her attackers came back for seconds, she leaped to her death rather than go through it again. Anybody hear about that? No? :dunno: This has been going on since well before the Lindbergh kidnapping - and they went on & on about that for YEARS after the case ended (kinda like the OJ thing). If this story is over-hyped, it's not as if this is even close to being the first over-hyped media story.
The commercial networks and newspapers exist to sell advertising and generate profits... just like any other business. So what ever story they can hype to draw more eyeballs than their competitors, that's what they do. I'm not defending how this story has been presented by some (I've stopped watching any accounts until more facts are presented) - just saying that dogs tend to bark.