Judge : This is murder, not manslaughter. Sorry, not guilty.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
If he ended 2 wars, why in the fuck are we still over there fighting? I haven't heard anything about ALL of our soldiers being brought back home. We will most likely always have a carrier group in the waters off of the Middle East, somewhere, but we still have boots on the ground.
I hear crickets georges.

The war in Afghanistan was right at the beginning, but went on way too long and did nothing but make a lot of contractors very rich. The Taliban is still there, the heroine production is bigger than it has been in years and how many americans are dead because of it? We accomplished very little considering the price that we paid.

Some Bush Administration's policies on Afghanistan and Iraq may've doomed both countries chances of successful governance. In Afghanistan, he had a chance to destroy much of Al Qaeda at Tora Bora, but Bush Administration wouldn't use the 82nd Airborne Division stop from escaping from the mountain passes leading out of Tora Bora. In Iraq, the Bush Administration's De-Ba'athification policy was a total failure. ISIS leadership ranks are filled with former Iraq Baath Party members.