Generation eXit

Needed to do a little banking this morning so I stopped in a nearby branch which is also located in a grocer's store.

I'm waiting in line and in walks a mid to late 20's guy on his cell phone.

This is him speaking verbatim; "You know, you guys are fucking cheap bullshit! I've been there 2 years and you guys give me a fucking 35 cent raise?"

My thoughts were 2 things: Junior....some people are being asked to take pay cuts in lieu of layoffs and based on your appearance and attitude..not hard to imagine 35 cents being a little too generous for you.

As I left the store/bank ...I noticed a semi tricked Honda parked right next the store, on the red fire lane curb and all.. undoubtedly his. Somehow I wonder if he were rightfully ticketed...his defense would be, "dude! I just went into the bank for a minute!!":cool:
The worst thing about people that age is their inability to do just about anything without involving their parents. I have read stories of Gen Y'ers actually bringing their mommies on job interviews. We are so fucked.
A $0.35 raise is actually decent when you think of hourly paying job. Spoiled brat.


Torn & Frayed.
The title of the thread implies that you're referring to the so-called "Generation X",yet the content implies something different.So,which is it?